Reservoir Characterization. Группа авторов
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Figure 1.9 Reservoir modeling process workflow. The process takes control of the data within its modeling framework and integrates the various types of data attributes. Courtesy: Roxar-Emerson.
Figure 1.10 Integrated reservoir modeling, fluid simulation update and reiteration by incorporating geophysical monitoring data.
In Part 7 of this volume, we will discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Analytic (DA) can help address some of the remaining complexities associated with reservoir characterization results. For example, Nikravesh and Aminzadeh [12] reported on the past, present and future of AI in reservoir characterization. Twenty years later Aminzadeh [3], discussed how human and machine intelligence can be combined to improve characterization results. It is firmly believed that AI- and DA offer hope solve the issues related to the SURE Challenge discussed earlier.
1.7 Conclusion
Reservoir Characterization Is an important step in the entire life cycle of the reservoir. Reservoir Characterization is aimed at assessing reservoir properties and its condition, using the available data from different sources such as core samples, log data, seismic surveys (3D and 4D) and production data. This is done in different stages of the E&P process from high grading reservoirs in exploration to their delineation, for their development, as well as their description for optimum production to assessing their evolution in their stimulation for enhance oil/gas recovery to extend their economic life. An integrated approach for reservoir characterization bridges the traditional disciplinary divides, leading to better handling of uncertainties and improvement of the reservoir model for field development. Among the main difficulties in reservoir characterization is what I call “SURE” Challenge. The display here demonstrates the complications involved in integrating different data types with different Scale, Uncertainty, Resolution and Environment.
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2. Aminzadeh, F. and Dasgupta, S., 2013 Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers, Elsevier.
3. Aminzadeh, F., 2021, Reservoir Characterization: Combining Machine Intelligence with Human Intelligence, E&P Plus, April 2021, Vol. 96 Issue 4, E&P Plus, Hart Energy.
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9. Maity, D., Aminzadeh, F., 2015. Novel Fracture Zone Identifier Attribute Using Geophysical and Well Log Data for Unconventional Reservoirs, Interpretation Journal, Vol.3, No. 3, P.T155-T167.
10. Maleki, M., 2018, Integration of 3D and 4D seismic impedance into the simulation model to improve reservoir characterization. PhD Dissertation, University of Compinas.
11. Meadows, M., 2012, Time-lapse seismic data for reservoir monitoring and characterization Course notes on Advanced Oil Field Operations with Remote Visualization, Guest Lecturer for F. Aminzadeh’s course, USC PTE 587.
12. Nikravesh, N. and Aminzadeh, F., 2001, “Past, present and future intelligent reservoir characterization trends,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 67–79, 2001.
1 Email: [email protected]
A Comparison Between Estimated Shear Wave Velocity and Elastic Modulus by Empirical Equations and that of Laboratory Measurements at Reservoir Pressure Condition
Haleh Azizia1*, Hamid Reza Siahkoohi2, Brian Evans3, Nasser Keshavarz Farajkhah4 and Ezatollah KazemZadeh4
1Department of Geophysics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
4Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran
The objective of this study is to assess the accuracy of the empiricalequations in estimating the shear wave velocity and elastic modulus of rock sample at reservoir pressure condition. The evaluated relations are Gassman, Greenberg and Castagna which have been in use by researchers for a long time and have shown acceptable results. The plug sample investigated in this study is taken from Berea sandstone reservoir southwest of Australia, which is a known reference sandstone for this type of study. This plug in the laboratory was flooded with supercritical carbon dioxide fluid, saturated and pressured under axial, radial and pore pressure comparable to oil reservoirs pressures, after which elastic wave velocity and elasticity modules were determined. Then, using empirical relationships such as Gassman, Greenberg and Castagna and measured values of P-wave velocity, shear wave velocity, and elasticity coefficients were estimated. Comparison of theoretical