Financial Cold War. James A. Fok

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Financial Cold War - James A. Fok

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interest paid on domestic issues to non-residents, but foreign issues were exempt from this. What weighed far more against Switzerland though was the tax authorities’ refusal to exempt bond trading from Swiss stamp taxes, and a Swiss Federal issue tax of 1.2 percent that made it unattractive for Swiss banks to underwrite and manage issues in Switzerland themselves.

      For the first Eurobond issue out of London to take place, however, there was a myriad of legal, regulatory and tax issues to overcome. The firm that led the way on this was SG Warburg.

      Exemption from withholding taxes was just one of many issues that had to be resolved though. Over a period of six months, Warburg executives and their lawyers, Allen & Overy, engaged in extensive negotiations with the Inland Revenue, the Stamp Office, the Bank of England, and the London Stock Exchange.

      In recalling the hoops that the bankers had to jump through on the Autostrade issue, former SG Warburg executive Ian Fraser wrote:

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