Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy. James G. Speight
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28 X Xylan Xylene Xylose Xylose Fermentation
29 Y Yeast Yellow Cake Yellow Flax Yellow Grease
30 Z Zeolite Zinc Oxide Process Zinc Oxide Slurry Process
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure A-1 Simplified distinction between solid waste, sludge, and liquid waste.Figure A-2 The hydrocarbon framework of the steroid system (ring lettering and a...Figure A-3 Examples of aromatic hydrocarbons showing the alternating double bond...
2 Chapter 2Figure B-1 Biodiesel Production Path.Figure B-2 Structure of xylan from hardwood.Figure B-3 Constituents of the BTEX Mixture.
3 Chapter 5Figure E-1 Representation of an endothermic reaction in which the heat content o...Figure E-2 Ethanol production for lignocellulosic biomass.Figure E-3 Representation of an exothermic reaction in which the heat content of...
4 Chapter 8Figure H-1 Single-stage and double-stage hydrocracking.Figure H-2 Two-stage hydrotreating.
5 Chapter 12Figure L-1 Chemical structures of lignans.Figure L-2 Example of a complex triglycerides of the type found in linseed oil.
6 Chapter 14Figure N-1 Examples of naphthene derivatives.
7 Chapter 15Figure O-1 Isomers of butene.
8 Chapter 19Figure S-1 Simplified distinction between solid waste, sludge, and liquid waste.Figure S-2 The reactions that convert hydrogen to helium in the sun.Figure S-3 A dream turbine generator system.Figure S-4 Types of turbine blades.Figure S-5 Representations of the naturally occurring form of glucose.Figure S-6 Representation of the starch molecule.
9 Chapter 24Figure X-1 Structure of xylan from hardwoodFigure X-2 The three isomers of xylene.Figure X-3 Simple formula for xylose.Figure X-4 Reduction of xylose.Figure X-5 Alternate representations of xylose.
List of Tables
1 IntroductionTable 1 Simplified categorization and nomenclature of the various energy sources...
2 Chapter 3Table