Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine. Группа авторов

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Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine - Группа авторов

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      Source: Adapted from Glisky60; Zanto and Gazzaley72.

Function Description Most common age‐related change
Selective attention Ability to attend to some stimuli while disregarding others that are irrelevant to a given task Relevant heterogeneity
Sustained attention Maintaining vigilance or concentration on a task over time Relevant heterogeneity
Divided attention Attention switching Processing two or more sources of information or performing multiple tasks at the same time Impaired
Working memory Cognitive system that enables temporary storage and manipulation of information Impaired
Long‐term memory
Episodic memory Memory for personally experienced events that occurred at a particular time and place Impaired
Semantic memory Memory of general knowledge about the world and words and concepts Preserved
Autobiographical memory Memory for one’s personal past (includes both semantic and episodic memories) Preserved
Procedural memory Knowledge of skills and procedures that are expressed automatically in performance Preserved
Implicit memory Change in behaviour occurring after a prior experience (not consciously or explicitly recalled) Preserved
Prospective memory Remembering to perform a planned action at some future point in time Preserved (frequently with external aids)

      Key points

       Ageing is associated with structural and functional changes in the nervous system.

       Neurodegenerative conditions share some pathophysiological processes, neuropathological modifications, and phenotypic manifestations with the physiological ageing process.

       A neurological examination of the ageing individual commonly reveals clinical abnormalities.

       Age‐related changes in cognition are not uniform across all older individuals and mostly occur in specific cognitive domains.

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