Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine. Группа авторов

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Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine - Группа авторов

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dynamics is compromised during ageing. Aberrant levels of cytoplasmatic calcium can produce a dysregulation of protein phosphorylation, gene expression, and cytoskeletal function. Moreover, the loss of calcium homeostasis can lead to the activation of proteases and promote caspase‐dependent apoptosis, resulting in neuronal death (calcium‐mediated excitotoxicity).23,27

      Impaired adaptive cellular stress responses

      The main neuronal signalling pathways responding to and mitigating cellular (e.g. metabolic, ionic, oxidative) stresses may become impaired with ageing.23,28 For instance, the adaptive pathways mediated by neurotrophic factors (e.g. brain‐derived neurotrophic factor [BDNF], nerve growth factor [NGF]), calmodulin‐dependent transcriptions factors, and nitric oxide are perturbed or compromised, thus rendering neurons more vulnerable to damage and death.23


      Inflammation is a common hallmark of brain ageing and diseases. Neuroinflammation is mediated by diverse cytokines, chemokines, reactive oxygen species, and secondary messengers produced by resident glial cells (i.e. microglia and astrocytes), endothelial cells, and peripheral immune cells. Despite exerting a potentially protective role, such inflammatory responses can have negative consequences such as oedema, tissue damage, and cell death.23,29

      Aberrant neuronal network activity and altered synaptic plasticity

      During ageing, communication and network activity within and between brain areas can be altered, with profound implications. For example, the excitatory imbalance resulting from impaired inhibitory signalling (e.g. GABA) can result in hyperexcitability and excitotoxicity. The dysregulation of other neurotransmitter systems (e.g. acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin) has been linked with neurodegeneration and impaired brain function.23,30

      As a consequence of impaired neuronal network activity, synaptic plasticity mechanisms are also affected during ageing. Synaptic plasticity refers to mechanisms responsible for activity‐dependent modification of the strength or efficacy of synaptic transmission at pre‐existing synapses,31 thus representing the neurobiological substrate of learning and memory,32 and can be experimentally explored in vivo by non‐invasive brain‐stimulation techniques.33 Advanced non‐invasive brain stimulation techniques have documented a progressive reduction of brain plasticity mechanisms with ageing34 – similar to that observed in AD‐like and PD‐like conditions – responsible for cognitive and motor impairment.35,36 Taken together, these observations contribute to the understanding of the clinical features observed during neurological examination of the elderly.

      Impaired DNA repair

      Several studies have documented that brain ageing is associated with an increase in the amount of damaged nuclear and mitochondrial DNA and a concomitant reduced expression and activity of some DNA repair proteins. In aged neurons, DNA is thereby more prone to accumulating oxidative damage with important implications in terms of gene expression, synaptic plasticity, and mitochondrial function.23,37

      Impaired neurogenesis

      Neurogenesis occurs throughout life in the ventricular‐subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. During ageing, neural stem cells and their progenitors lose their proliferative potential and become quiescent. This is thought to contribute to age‐related cognitive impairment and reduced brain plasticity.23,38

      Dysregulated energy metabolism

      Like other organ systems, neurons may develop insulin resistance and decreased glucose transport. The consequent reduction in glucose utilization can be demonstrated by positron emission tomography imaging of radiolabelled glucose uptake and is more evident in the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes.39 The brain metabolism of lipids can also be altered with ageing, as indicated by the accumulation of ceramides and lipid‐laden cells and declining levels of omega‐3 fatty acids.23

      Sources: Schott40; Seraji‐Bzorgzad, Paulson, and Heidebrink41.

Function Most commonly observed changes
Sensation Impaired vibration sense in distal lower extremities Reduced pain perception Reduced joint position sense
Reflexes Loss of ankle jerk reflexes Presence of ‘primitive’ reflexes (palmomental, snout, grasping, sustained glabellar)
Vision Decreased near vision (presbyopia) Reduced pupillary size and reactivity Increase of saccadic latency and decrease of saccade frequency, amplitude, and velocity Breakdown of smooth eye pursuit movements with saccadic intrusions Deceased upward gaze and convergence
Hearing Hearing loss (presbycusis), especially at higher frequencies
Smell Diminished smell sense
Taste Reduced taste
Gait Decline in walking speed Decreased stride length Reduced tandem ability
Muscle Mild increase in muscle tone Mild decrease in muscle bulk and strength
Posture Increasingly stooped posture
Balance Reduced ability to stand on one leg


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