Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. Группа авторов

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Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries - Группа авторов

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et al. 2012). Alternatively, anthropogenically altered and excessive freshwater flow from interbasin water transfers can adversely affect nursery function (Strydom et al. 2002).

       3.5.4 Power plants

      Power plants for electricity generation frequently have been built on estuaries or their tributaries (e.g. Kennish & Lutz 1984, Cattrijsse et al. 2002) and may threaten production and recruitment of estuarine fishes (McLusky & Elliott 2004), including anadromous salmonids and alosines (Taverny 1990, Costa et al. 2002). For decades it has been recognised that these plants present multiple threats to reproduction and recruitment of resident and anadromous fishes through (i) habitat destruction/modification during power plant construction; (ii) releases of effluent cooling water with temperatures far above ambient that may exceed tolerances of fish eggs and larvae; (iii) entrainment and impingement of early‐life stages in waters drawn from the estuary to cool condensers; (iv) discharge of chlorinated by‐products where antifouling methods are used and (v) effects on behaviour of spawning adults and recruiting juveniles. Precautions and regulations usually limit the extent of damage from power plant operations (Barnthouse 2013), but they are, in some instances, a substantial source of mortality to young fishes (NRDC 2014), for example through impingement of dominant species, including the osmerid Osmerus eperlanus and clupeids Clupea harengus and Sprattus sprattus (Greenwood 2008).

       3.5.5 Estuary contaminants: water quality degradation

      One exception to our limited knowledge of contaminant effects on estuarine‐occurring fishes is that for the fundulid Fundulus heteroclitus, which has been well studied in laboratory research. Exposure to mercury causes reduced fertilisation success (Khan & Weis 1987a, 1987b), embryonic deformities (Weis & Weis 1977a, 1977b) and reduced larval swimming and feeding ability (Zhou et al. 2001). Mercury also causes reduced predator avoidance by the larvae (Zhou & Weis 1998) and diminished prey capture ability by juveniles (Smith & Weis 1997). The accumulated evidence indicates that contaminated nursery sites contribute to reduced recruitment of this common species because of higher mortality in early‐life stages, slower growth and reduced condition and longevity (Weis et al. 2001). In an urbanised estuarine nursery area in South Africa, it was shown that select species of juvenile fishes, including mugilids, targeted by fishers for consumption, were already contaminated with cadmium and other metals. The long‐term effects of heavy metal contamination on reproductive biology of estuary‐occurring species are relatively poorly understood worldwide and need to become a focus in the Anthropocene.

      Acidification of estuaries and coastal waters is an emerging threat to reproduction and recruitment of estuary‐associated fishes (Wallace et al. 2014). Acidification and its impacts on reproduction of anadromous fishes on the east coast of North America and in tributaries of the Baltic were identified as a substantial threat (Hall 1987, Hendrey 1987, Urho et al. 1990).

       3.5.6 Eutrophication

      Eutrophication via inputs of nutrients presents an increasingly common threat to reproduction of coastal and estuary‐associated fishes (FAO 1995, NRC 2000, Elliott and de Jonge 2002). While effects on fish production and yields to fisheries are not always clearly demonstrated, increasing nutrient loadings from agricultural run‐off, industrial wastewater and urban sewage (Hondorp et al. 2010) lead to eutrophication. Excessive nutrient loadings are closely tied to low dissolved oxygen levels (hypoxia) that threaten reproduction and recruitment of fishes (Holt 2002, Breitburg et al. 2018). A common consequence of eutrophication of many estuaries is the development or expansion of hypoxia (Wannamaker & Rice 2000, Buzzelli et al. 2002, Gray et al. 2002, Baird et al. 2004, Long & Seitz 2009). While hypoxia in estuaries has likely been present for millennia (Cooper & Brush 1991), the frequency, duration and spatial extent are increasing in recent decades, with interactive and sometimes complex impacts on estuarine fishes and their reproductive and recruitment potential.

      An increasingly common consequence of excessive nutrient loadings and eutrophication in estuaries and coastal waters worldwide (Codd 1998) are harmful algal blooms (HABs). HABs are toxin‐producing micro‐phytoplankton that can kill fish, shellfish and other estuarine organisms. For example, high biomass blooms in eutrophic estuaries in South Africa cause oxygen supersaturation during bloom peaks followed by anoxia during decay, which impedes growth and nutritional condition of the larvae of the estuarine clupeid Gilchristella aestuaria, an important planktivore in these estuaries (Smit et al. 2021). Many species of dinoflagellates and cyanobacteria and some diatoms are implicated in HABs (Glibert 2016). While massive fish kills are frequently reported, effects on reproductive success and recruitment of estuarine fishes are less often documented. Persistent ‘red tides’ caused by blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in Tampa Bay (Florida) have disrupted spawning and reproductive success in the estuarine sciaenids Cynoscion arenarius, C. nebulosus and Bairdiella chrysoura (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission 2013, Walters et al. 2013). In an example from the Baltic Sea, potentially toxic cyanobacteria (such as Nodularia spumigena, Microcystis spp. and Anabaena spp.) often cause HABs (Balode and Purina 1996). Nodularia spumigena may release its toxins during the spawning and hatching periods of the spring‐spawning and autumn‐spawning clupeid Clupea harengus (Ojaveer 1988). Microcystis aeruginosa and N. spumigena exert a harmful influence on the embryonic development and hatching of Baltic C. harengus attributable to abnormal development and high embryo mortality (Ojaveer et al. 2003).

       3.5.7 Climate change

      Effects of ongoing climate change on reproduction of estuary‐dependent and ‐associated fishes will be substantial for some species (see Sections 3.2.2, 3.4.2 and Gillanders et al. 2022). Rising temperatures,

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