Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. Группа авторов

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Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries - Группа авторов

Скачать книгу Adult stock and recruitment

      In managed fisheries, developing stock‐recruitment (S‐R) models is an established element of the assessment process aimed at determining management reference points. For example, reference points for maximum sustainable yield (MSY), fishing mortality corresponding to MSY (FMSY) and the biomass corresponding to MSY (BMSY) depend on estimates of recruitment derived from S‐R models (Maunder 2012). Unidentified variability in S‐R relationships of estuary‐dependent fishes, as in other marine fishes, is attributable to inaccuracies in estimating stock and recruit abundances and to the dominant role of environmental factors that generate recruitment variability (Cushing 1975, Rothschild 1986, Hilborn & Walters 1992). Most of the variability is generated by environmental factors acting on early‐life stages (e.g. Fogarty 1993), but substantial variability, especially at low adult stock abundance, is associated with the level of spawning stock biomass and stock fecundity (Myers 2001).

Schematic illustration of morone saxatilis young-of-the-year (YOY) from Chesapeake Bay (USA) seine net survey data showing geometric mean abundances.

      (from Maryland Department of Natural Resources‐bass/juvenile‐index.aspx).

upper R i c k e r left-parenthesis upper D o m e d upper C u r v e right-parenthesis upper R equals alpha upper P normal e Superscript minus beta upper P upper B e v e r t o n minus upper H o l t left-parenthesis upper A s y m p t o t i c upper C u r v e right-parenthesis upper R equals 1 slash left-parenthesis alpha plus beta slash upper P right-parenthesis

      where R is recruitment, P is adult stock, α is a density‐independent coefficient and β is a density‐dependent coefficient.

Image described by caption. Schematic illustration of stock and recruitment models for the sciaenid Micropogonias undulatus on the east coast of the USA showing the effects of spawning stock biomass and winter air temperature.


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