Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. Группа авторов
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3.8 Acknowledgements
Thanks are extended to the co‐editors of this volume for encouragement and helpful recommendations. The authors acknowledge their respective institutions for facilities support and for providing dependable online access to library resources. Many field assistants made valuable contributions to research conducted by the authors and cited in this chapter; their names are too numerous to mention. The funders, both governmental and non‐governmental, are thanked for their support of research cited in this chapter. Individual funding agencies are acknowledged in cited papers.
3.9 References
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3 Able, K.W. & Duffy‐Anderson, J.T. 2006. Impacts of piers on juvenile fishes and selected invertebrates in the lower Hudson River. In: The Hudson River (ed., Levinton, J. & Hiles, C. ), pp. 429–440. Cambridge University Press, New York.
4 Able, K.W. & Fahay, M.P. 1998. The First Year in the Life of Estuarine Fishes in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ.
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