Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries. Группа авторов

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Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries - Группа авторов

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of primary productivity, e.g. chlorophyll a (Deegan 1990, Govoni 1997, Houde et al. 2016, Salvador & Muelbert 2019).

       3.6.5 Morone saxatilis (Moronidae)

Stage N stg t Z t Z stg Stage (%)
Egg‐YSL 6.46 × 108 2.2 0.09 0.20 18.1
YSL‐FFL 5.43 × 108 6 0.97 5.80 99.7
FFL‐PFL 1.64 × 106 20 0.15 2.95 94.8
PFL 0.09 × 106 25 0.07 1.81 83.6

      Mortality rates and cumulative mortalities of Morone saxatilis larvae are dependent on temperature. Larval cohorts experiencing lowest mortality develop at intermediate temperatures of 17–19 °C that are near the median in the seasonal range (Secor & Houde 1995, Rutherford et al. 1997). High mortalities are associated with slow growth at lower temperatures, while increased predation may cause high mortality at higher temperatures (Secor & Houde 1995). Weather events, for example drops in temperature to lethal levels (12 °C), often combined with wind events that disrupt the retentive salt front and estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM), can generate high, cohort‐specific mortalities (Secor et al. 1995, Rutherford et al. 1997).

      Growth and survival of Morone saxatilis larvae are primarily density independent (Kimmerer et al. 2000, Martino & Houde 2012) and responsive to the sufficiency of zooplankton prey resources and the timing of prey availability in nursery areas (i.e. supporting the match‐mismatch hypothesis; Cushing 1990). Timing of production of two key prey, the copepod Eurytemora carolleeae (= affinis) and a cladoceran Bosmina sp., is recognised as important for production of M. saxatilis larvae (Limburg & Pace 1999, Campfield & Houde 2011, Vanalderweireldt et al. 2019a).

      Data from Maryland Department of Natural Resources (‐bass/juvenile‐index.aspx).

       3.6.6 Gadidae and Clupeidae (Baltic Sea)

      The Baltic Sea is a large enclosed, saline water body that supports reproduction by marine and freshwater fishes. For the gadid Gadus morhua, a typically marine species, the ambient salinity in the Baltic Sea is insufficient to maintain floating eggs and they sink to a depth of neutral buoyancy such that peak abundance occurs near the halocline in the Bornholm Basin, with smaller numbers in the more saline deep layer (Westin & Nissling 1991, Nissling et al. 1994, MacKenzie et al. 1996, Wieland & Jarre‐Teichmann 1997). Larvae of G. morhua typically hatch within 15 days of spawning and migrate vertically through the halocline into the low‐salinity surface layers (30–40 m depths) to feed (Grønkjær & Wieland 1997, Grønkjær et al. 1997). Dispersal of G. morhua larvae is primarily resulting from wind‐driven circulation in the Baltic Sea (Voss et al. 1999). Wind stress results in Ekman transport within coastal jets along both coasts of the Bornholm Basin. Vertical distributions of the larvae indicate that drift in the Bornholm Basin mainly occurs in a compensating return flow below the Ekman

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