Environmental Ethics. Группа авторов

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Environmental Ethics - Группа авторов

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military conquest. Since few of us (except the kraterists)22 believe that might confers normative goodness, this position should be rejected. The boundaries of states are artificial and do not indicate Natural divisions (even when the boundary between states is a mountain range or a river).

      The extended community worldview imperative exhorts us all to educate ourselves about the plight of others in the world and then to respond with individual and corporate action according to our abilities to act effectively. It must become a top priority issue to us all.

      Third, when we add the other components of the Natural community, we come up with two more community worldview imperatives: the eco-community worldview imperative and the extended eco-community worldview imperative. Let us begin with the eco-community worldview imperative (the eco-community close at hand, hoti):

      Second, is the personal recognition that individual humans live in interaction with their Natural surroundings and that they should contextualize such interactions personally.

      Third, requires a sense of recent history of their local environment. This creates a personal baseline by which an individual might assess how they have been affected by climate change.

      Fourth, and last is for the agent who has just assessed how they have been affected to examine various sustainability policy proposals and gather enough information so that they can decide which course they will endorse and then work vigorously for enactment of those policy proposals.

      Just as when we focused upon the human community it was necessary to go beyond to the extended human community, so also it is the case with the eco-community. The extended eco-community worldview imperative is:

      In the end, the extended eco-community worldview imperative entails a duty to protect all of the world’s Natural biological and non-biological material systems (such as earth, air, and water) according to our resources. Since this duty extends only to humans, this account is anthropocentric. And though the shared community worldview imperatives (in their various forms) emphasize the communal duties incurred, still because human communities are comprised of many individual humans, these duties apply to each individual within the community via my personhood account, the personal worldview imperative.

      This constitutes the definition of Nature within the context of community dynamics (ti esti).

      Part II: Why Should We Care?

      The Ethical Constraints on Interfering with Nature. If we accept the depiction in Part I of this chapter, then we already have an argument outline on why we should care:

      1 There are two sorts of understandings of N/nature: (a) nature which refers to individuals (tokens) and (b) Nature which refers to larger, general groups (types)32—A(ssertion).

      2 The systemic, operational mechanisms of both nature and Nature are intricate, complex, and difficult fully to understand—F(act).

      3 Whenever one comes to a correct, partial understanding of intricate and complex systemic mechanisms there follows a reaction that is akin to aesthetic appreciation—A.

      4 Aesthetic value-appreciation incurs a duty to protect that which has been valued—F.33

      5 When one engages with nature/Nature and one comes to an understanding (on some level) of the causal operation of these systemic mechanisms such that one will both value nature/Nature and, as a result, be obliged to protect nature/Nature—1−4.

      6 Coming to terms with understanding nature/Nature involves a model that situates individuals within communities (both proximate and remote)—A.

      7 There are (at least) two large understanding of communities that all humans must recognize: human communities and N/natural communities—A.

      8 Properly understanding the human communities and the N/natural communities requires

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