Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children. Группа авторов

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Clinical Obesity in Adults and Children - Группа авторов

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      121 121. Puhl RM, Neumark‐Sztainer D, Austin SB, Luedicke J, King KM. Setting policy priorities to address eating disorders and weight stigma: views from the field of eating disorders and the US general public. BMC Public Health 2014; 14:524.

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      125 125. Pearl RL, Puhl RM, Dovidio JF. Can legislation prohibiting weight discrimination improve psychological well‐being? A preliminary investigation. Anal Soc Issues Public Policy 2017; 17(1):84–104.

      126 126. Puhl RM, Neumark‐Sztainer D, Austin SB, Suh Y, Wakefield DB. Policy actions to address weight‐based bullying and eating disorders in schools: views of teachers and school administrators. J Sch Health 2016; 86(7):507–15.

      127 127. Puhl RM, Luedicke J, King KM. Combating weight‐based bullying in schools: is there public support for the use of litigation? J Sch Health 2015; 85(6):372–81.

      128 128. Puhl RM, Suh Y, Li X. Improving anti‐bullying laws and policies to protect youth from weight‐based victimization: parental support for action. Pediatr Obes 2016; 12(2):e14–9.

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