Smart Grids and Micro-Grids. Umashankar Subramaniam

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Smart Grids and Micro-Grids - Umashankar Subramaniam

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microgrid."/> Graph depicts the waveforms under the condition when battery-converter system is in islanded mode. Schematic illustration of the thee-phase inverter interfacing battery to grid. Schematic illustration of the controller for inverter interfacing battery to grid.

      When Modecommand = 1 (the converter is in grid-connected mode), the battery is supposed to supply active or reactive power to the grid. The reference power (Pref, Qref) that has to be supplied by the battery-converter system is obtained from the energy management system of the microgrid. The instantaneous active (P) and reactive powers (Q) supplied by the converter system can be expressed in a d-q frame as



      Where Vs, id, and iq are PCC voltage on d-axis, output current on d-axis, and output current on q-axis, respectively. As the grid-connected converter act as current source, the reference grid current (id(ref), iq(ref)) to be fed can be obtained using relation


      The inner current loop is designed to track the reference current (id(ref), iq(ref)) and it generates the PWM gating signal for switches of the converter. The current loop needs angle ρ ( to convert quantities from the d-q frame back to abc frame) information, which is obtained from the Phase-locked loop of the system. When the battery SOC is low, then the reference active power is negative (Pref = -ve and Qref = 0) to charge the battery.

      When Modecommand = 0, the microgrid is in islanded mode and the voltage at PCC has to be regulated to a reference voltage. The battery is supposed to supply active or reactive power to the grid to maintain the PCC voltage. The current reference ( (id(ref), iq(ref)) is obtained from an outer voltage loop. The outer voltage loop ensures that the PCC voltage is maintained at its reference value. The modeling of the converter and design of the controller under different modes is discussed in the next section. Modelling and Control of the VSI

      The AC voltage of the PCC is expressed as


      Applying Kirchhoff ’s voltage equation in the phase, we get



      To transfer the above system to synchronous reference frame, the following transformation need to be performed


      Where Tabc2αβ, Tαβ2dq and θ are known as Clark transformation, Park transformation, and the phase angle of the grid which is obtained from PLL, respectively. The resulting system after transformation is given by

      Where vsd, ud and id are PCC voltage, VSC output voltage and output current on d-axis, respectively. uq and iq are VSC output voltage and output current on the q-axis, respectively. One can notice from equation (2.26) and (2.27) that the system is converted to an LTI system having some coupling states. A simple control law to decouple the term is given by


      Where vid and viq are the feedback control input. for obtaining zero steady-state error, PI controller is applied to control input

      For the case when the microgrid in islanded mode, the converter has to regulate the voltage at PCC. By applying Kirchhoff’s law at the PCC voltage and applying the d-q transform on the resulting equations, one would obtain


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