Smart Grids and Micro-Grids. Umashankar Subramaniam

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Smart Grids and Micro-Grids - Umashankar Subramaniam

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      The coupling between Vsd and V sq is eliminated by a decoupling feed-forward compensation. One possible control law is given by


      Where id(ref), iq(ref) are reference for inner current loop and vvd, and vv are the feedback control input which is expressed as


      Where evd = (Vsd ( ref )Vsd), evq = (Vsq(ref)Vsq), Kpv,d, Kiv,d, Kpv,q, and Kiv,q are parameters/gains of PI controller for d-axis current and q-axis voltage controller. The parameter of PI controller can be easily selected. For d-q transformation in islanded system, the reference angle ρ (and thus image) is decided independently. Typical Case Study in MATLAB-Simulink



Parameter Value
Nominal voltage (VB) 700 V
Rated capacity 150 Ah
Initial SOC 60%
inverter side inductance (L) and ESR (rL) of inductor 1mH, 0.005Ω
Filter capacitor (Cf) 20 µF
AC load PL=1000 W QL =100 VAR
AC microgrid voltage (Vphase(rms)) grid side inductance Lg 220 V300 µH

      Where P is the rated output active power of one phase for three-phase full-bridge inverter, Vg is the phase voltage, Vdc is the dc link voltage fsw is switching frequency, Ka = 0.2, image

      The control is implemented in the Simulink platform. The commands “Modecommand” along with the power to be exchanged (Pref, Qref), with microgird are sent to the controller from the EMS of the microgrid. The feedback signals PCC voltage (Vsx), inverter current (iLx), grid voltage (Vgx) are also input to the controller.

Graph depicts the performance of the controller when the battery converter system is in grid connected mode. Graph depicts the waveform of PCC voltage, real and reactive power exchanged fed for the condition when the battery converter system switches between grid-connected mode and islanded mode.

      With the high demand for integration and implementation of renewable energy sources (RES) to the microgrid due to climate change policies, the requirement of ESS and its control is expanding. Hence, the need and availability of ESS and its category is briefly explained with the assessment. Moreover, power converters play an incredibly significant role in the integration of RES and ESS to the microgrid. The categories, needs and applications of power electronics converters were also presented. To discuss the control and design of battery integrated dc and ac microgrid system, the MATLAB-Simulink model is developed. Different case studies prove the fact that the controller can perform satisfactorily.

      1. Rahimi, A., Zarghami, M., Vaziri, M., Vadhva, S. (2013, September). “A simple and effective approach for peak load shaving using Battery Storage Systems”. In 2013 North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 1–5). IEEE.


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