Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes. Группа авторов

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Systems Biogeochemistry of Major Marine Biomes - Группа авторов

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concentration of 29 mM is distributed homogeneously in the lateral and vertical dimension because of a residence time (8.7 × 106 years) that is substantially longer than the oceanic mixing time (around 103 years) (Holland, 1984). Dissolved oceanic sulfate exhibits a stable sulfur isotopic composition of +21‰ (δ34S vs. VCDT; Rees et al., 1978) and shows no discernible variations with depth (Figure 2.1) based on a compilation of data from several ocean basins (Böttcher et al., 2007). More recent accounts for the sulfur isotopic composition of seawater sulfate were presented by Tostevin et al. (2014), who reported an average δ34S value of +21.24 ± 0.44‰ and a Δ33S value of 0.050 ± 0.014‰, based on seawater sulfate samples from the eastern margin of the Pacific Ocean, offshore from the California and Peru coastlines, and by Johnston et al. (2014), who reported an average δ34S value of +21.15 ± 0.15‰ and a Δ33S value of 0.048 ± 0.006‰ for water samples from oxygen minimum zones in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Significant deviations from the very homogeneous δ34S value of +21‰ exist solely in marginal seas as a result of the in‐mixing of isotopically variable but generally less 34S‐enriched riverine sulfate, showing a global average δ34S value of 4.4 ± 4.5‰ (Burke et al., 2018).

Schematic illustration of homogeneous sulfur isotopic composition of modern seawater sulfate as compiled by Rees et al.

      Modern marine sediments, i.e. sediments deposited from a bottom water containing dissolved oxygen, contain on average 0.6 weight per cent of sulfur (Goldhaber, 2003), generally present as sedimentary pyrite and attributed to microbial sulfate reduction and subsequent precipitation as iron sulfide (Canfield, 2001a; Rickard and Luther, 2007). Microbial sulfate reduction, more specifically organoclastic sulfate reduction, is associated with a distinct isotopic fractionation of up to 70‰, generally displaying a δ34S value for the resulting sulfide that is 34S‐depleted compared with the parental sulfate. The magnitude in isotopic fractionation is determined by a multitude of factors including the availability and reactivity of sulfate and organic substrate as well as physicochemical boundary conditions, such as temperature. Milestones in our understanding in this respect were published by Kaplan and Rittenberg (1964), Canfield (2001b), Detmers et al. (2001), and more recently by Johnston et al. (2007), Sim et al. (2011), Leavitt et al. (2013), and Wing and Halevy (2014).

Schematic illustration of simplified depth distribution of changes in porewater sulfate concentration and sulfur isotopic composition of dissolved sulfate and sulfide as a consequence of progressive microbial sulfate reduction. Schematic illustration of different generations of sedimentary pyrite with early diagenetic framboidal pyrite overgrown by late(r) diagenetic pyrite (SEM image courtesy of Zhiyong Lin).

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