Muography. Группа авторов
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53 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2007). Monte‐Carlo simulations of atmospheric muon production: Implication of the past Martian environment. Icarus, 191, 603–615.
54 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2013) Development of stroboscopic muography. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 2, 41–45.‐ 2‐41‐2013
55 Tanaka, H.K.M. (2015). Muographic mapping of the subsurface density structures in Miura, Boso and Izu peninsulas, Japan. Scientific Reports, 5, 8305.
56 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2016). Instant snapshot of the internal structure of Unzen lava dome, Japan with airborne muography. Scientific Reports, 6, 39741.
57 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2020a). Development of the muographic tephra deposit monitoring system. Scientific Reports, 10, 14820.‐020‐71902‐1
58 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2020b). Muometric positioning system (μPS) with cosmic muons as a new underwater and underground positioning technique. Scientific Reports, 10, 18896.‐020‐75843‐7
59 Tanaka, H. K. M. (2020c). Development of automatic analysis and data visualization system for volcano muography. Journal of Disaster Research, 15, 2, 203–211.
60 Tanaka H. K. M., Kusagaya, T., & Shinohara, H. (2014). Radiographic visualization of magma dynamics in an erupting volcano. Nature Communications, 5, 3381.
61 Tanaka, H. K. M., Miyajima, H., Kusagaya, T., Taketa, A., Uchida, T., Tanaka, M. (2011). Cosmic muon imaging of hidden seismic fault zones: Raineater permeation into the mechanical fracture zone in Itoigawa‐Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 306, 156–162.
62 Tanaka, H. K. M., Nakano, T., Takahashi, S., Yoshida, J., Takeo, M., Oikawa, J., et al. (2007a). High resolution imaging in the inhomogeneous crust with cosmic‐ray muon radiography: The density structure below the volcanic crater floor of Mt. Asama, Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263, 104–113.
63 Tanaka, H. K. M., Nakano, T., Takahashi, S., Yoshida, J., Takeo, M., Oikawa, J., et al. (2008). Radiographic imaging below a volcanic crater floor with cosmic‐ray muons. American Journal of Science, 308, 843–850.
64 Tanaka, H. K. M., & Ohshiro, M. (2017). Muography. Maruzen, Tokyo, pp. 1–352.
65 Tanaka, H. K. M., & Sannomiya, A. (2012). Development and operation of a muon detection system under extremely high humidity environment for monitoring underground water table. Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems, 2, 719–736.‐2‐29‐2013
66 Tanaka H. K. M., Taira, H., Uchida, T., Tanaka, M., Takeo, M., Ohminato, T., et al. (2010). Three dimensional CAT scan of a volcano with cosmic ray muon radiography. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B12332.
67 Tanaka H. K. M., Takahashi S., Yoshida J., Ohshima H., Maekawa T., Watanabe H., & Niwa K. (2007b). Imaging the conduit size of the dome with cosmic‐ray muons: the structure beneath ShowaShinzan Lava Dome, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L22311.
68 Tanaka, H. K. M., Uchida, T., Tanaka, M., Shinohara, H., & Taira, H. (2009a). Cosmic‐ray muon imaging of magma in a conduit: degassing process of Satsuma‐Iwojima Volcano, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01304.
69 Tanaka H. K. M., Uchida T., Tanaka M., Takeo M., Oikawa J., Ohminato T., et al. (2009b). Detecting a mass change inside a volcano by cosmic‐ray muon radiography (muography): first results from measurements at Asama volcano, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L17302.
70 Tanaka H. K. M., & Yokoyama I. (2008). Muon radiography and deformation analysis of the lava dome formed by the 1944 eruption of Usu, Hokkaido – contact between high‐energy physics and volcano physics. Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series B 84, 107–116.
71 Tanaka, H. K. M., & Yokoyama, I. (2013). Possible application of compact electronics for multilayer muon high‐speed radiography to volcanic cones. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 2, 263–273.‐2‐263‐2013
72 Tioukov, V., Alexandrov, A., Bozza, C., Consiglio, L., D’Ambrosio, N., De Lellis, G., et al. (2019). First muography of Stromboli volcano. Scientific Reports, 9, 6695.‐019‐43131‐8
73 Urabe, B., Watanabe, N., & Murakami, M. (2006). Topographic change of the summit crater of Asama Volcano during the 2004 eruption derived from airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurements. Bulletin of Geographical Survey Institute, 53, 1–6.
74 Viola, S., Ardid, M., Bertin, V., Enzenhöher, A., Keller, P., Lahmann, R., et al. (2013). NEMO‐SMO acoustic array: A deep‐sea test of a novel acoustic positioning system for a km3‐scale underwater neutrino telescope. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, 725, 207–210.
75 Yamamoto, Y. (2006). Systematic variation of shear‐induced physical properties and fabrics in the Miura–Boso accretionary prism: The earliest processes during off‐scraping. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, 1–2, 270–284.
76 Yuliza, E., Habil, H., Munir, M. M., Irsyam, M., Abdullah, M., & Khairurrijal (2015). Study of soil moisture sensor for landslide early warning system: Experiment in laboratory scale. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 739, 6th Asian Physics Symposium 19–20 August 2015, Bandung, Indonesia, 012034.‐6596/739/1/012034