Phosphors for Radiation Detectors. Группа авторов

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Phosphors for Radiation Detectors - Группа авторов

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the spectral sensitivity of Si‐PD. For practical uses, Ce3+ is co‐doped to suppress the afterglow level. Recently, Eu3+‐doped (Lu,Gd)2O3 [39] has attracted much attention for X‐ray CT. The emission intensity is higher than other materials, and the emission wavelength is in red where Si‐PD has a high sensitivity. In addition to these materials, we have investigated doping with other rare‐earth ions in order to develop near‐infrared emitting scintillators. For this purpose, Nd3+, Ho3+, Er3+ Tm3+, and Yb3+ have been selected as the emission center.

Schematic illustration of emission spectra of scintillators under X-ray irradiation and typical quantum efficiencies of Si-PD and PMT.

      1.3.3 Scintillation Light Yield and Energy Resolution

      Here, we will introduce the common explanation on the scintillation light yield. The semi‐empirical approach was made in 1980 by Robbins [56] based on semiconductor physics. In the semiconductor radiation detector, empirical relation of ξ (average energy consumed per electron–hole pair) and Eg (band‐gap energy) are connected by a parameter β as


      In this approach, to consider ξ, the energy of electron–hole pairs, falls below the threshold energy for impact ionization:

      where Ei, Eop, and Ef represent the threshold energy for impact ionization, energy emitted as optical phonons, and average residual energy of electron–hole pairs, respectively. Throughout this discussion, the unit of ξ (energy) is eV. Here, we consider the branching ratio of optical phonon emission with the probability of r and the impact ionization with (1‐r) under the initial absorbed energy of E0. If the energy after some processes, such as impact ionization and phonon emission, remains at >Ei, the impact ionization (excitation process) continues. In the ideal case, the limiting efficiency (Y) of the production of electron–hole pairs is

      and by using this relation, the average energy per electron–hole pair is re‐written as

      where Lf = Ef/Ei and K means the ratio of rate of optical phonons rate of energy loss by ionization, expressed as


      In this equation, ℏωLO means the energy of the longitudinal optical phonon. If we assume this energy and the optical phonon energy is constant, K can be expressed as


      Here, we assume special conditions of: (i) Ionization rate is constant for carrier energy; and (ii) Ei = 1.5Eg, and according to the avalanche multiplication data of Si, then K can be approximated to


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