Phosphors for Radiation Detectors. Группа авторов
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11 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Properties of 6Li‐based scintillators [23]
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Classification of solid state ionizing radiation detectors.Figure 1.2 Interaction of typical ionizing radiations with matter.Figure 1.3 Typical emission mechanisms of scintillation.Figure 1.4 Typical emission mechanisms of scintillation.Figure 1.5 Emission spectra of scintillators under X‐ray irradiation and typ...Figure 1.6 (Top) Relationship between the scintillation decay time (ns) and ...Figure 1.7 Relationship between the scintillation decay time (ns) and emissi...Figure 1.8 Emission mechanisms of TSL, OSL, and RPL.Figure 1.9 Typical emission mechanisms of scintillation, OSL, TSL, and RPL....Figure 1.10 The inverse proportional relationship of Ce differently doped Ca...Figure 1.11 Schematic drawing of transmittance (absorption) (a) and PL measu...Figure 1.12 Schematic drawing of PL decay setup.Figure 1.13 Common setup of X‐ray induced radioluminescence spectrum measure...Figure 1.14 Common setup of γ‐ray induced scintillation decay curve measurem...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Configuration coordinate model of localized electronic system.Figure 2.2 Vibrational energy levels of organic molecules.Figure 2.3 Schematic diagram of singlet and triplet excited states and fluor...Figure 2.4 Schematic representation of nonradiative and radiative energy tra...Figure 2.5 Schematic representation of HOMO and LUMO bands of a donor and an...Figure 2.6 Schematic representation of energy transfer via exchange interact...Figure 2.7 Schematic representation of scintillation process in nanocomposit...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Schematic view of the Czochralski method.Figure 3.2 Schematic view of the vertical Bridgman‐Stockberger method.Figure 3.3 Schematic view of the micro‐pulling down method.Figure 3.4 Schematic view of the optical floating zone method.Figure 3.5 Changes of LY (positive hysteresis) in Ce:GSO with a function of ...Figure 3.6 Scintillation decay curve of Ce:GSO.Figure 3.7 Phase diagram of Lu2O3‐SiO2 binary system.Figure 3.8 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of Ce:LGSO and Ce:LYSO crysta...Figure 3.9 The unit‐cell geometry of the observed structure types of pyrosil...Figure 3.10 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of GPS and GSO scintillators...Figure 3.11 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of Ce:YAG.Figure 3.12 Scintillation decay curves of Ce:YAG underαandγ‐ray irradiation....Figure 3.13 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of (left) Ce:LuAG and (right...Figure 3.14 Phase diagram of Gd2O3‐Al2O3 binary system.Figure 3.15 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of Ce:GAGG crystal....Figure 3.16 Scintillation decay curves of Ce:GAGG under α‐ and γ‐ray irradia...Figure 3.17 Phase diagram of Tb2O3‐Al2O3 binary system.Figure 3.18 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of Ce:TAG crystal....Figure 3.19 Scintillation decay curve of Ce:TAG crystal.Figure 3.20 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of Ce:YAP crystal....Figure 3.21 Pulse height spectra of 137Cs γ‐rays measured using Ce:YAP cryst...Figure 3.22 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of CdWO4 crystal....Figure 3.23 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of BGO crystal....Figure 3.24 X‐ray‐induced scintillation spectra of PbWO4 crystal....
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Decay times and light yields of commercial scintillators forγ‐ray...Figure 4.2 Band‐gap energies of selected halides. The values of Li‐ and Cs‐c...Figure 4.3 Solubilities of selected halides (in water, 25 °C) [11]....Figure 4.4 Melting temperatures of fluorides and oxides [13].Figure 4.5 Methods for inorganic crystal growth.Figure 4.6 The 2 in. diameter LaF3:Nd single crystal by the Czochralski meth...Figure 4.7 The CaF2 single crystal by the Czochralski method.Figure 4.8 The LiF single crystal grown by the micro‐pulling‐down method....Figure 4.9 CaF2 (a), SrF2 (b), BaF2 (c), LiF (d), PbF2 (e), and LiCaAlF6 (f)...Figure 4.10 The emission mechanism of core‐valence luminescence.Figure 4.11 The scintillation spectrum of BaF2 under X‐ray excitation measur...Figure 4.12 The scintillation decay curves of BaF2 and BaMgF4 single crystal...Figure 4.13 The scintillation spectrum of KMgF3 under X‐ray excitation measu...Figure 4.14 Pulse height spectra of the LiI:Eu single crystal underγ‐ray irr...Figure 4.15 The LiCaAlF6:Eu single crystal by the Czochralski method.Figure 4.16 Pulse height spectra of the LiCAF:Eu single crystal (9 × 9 × 0.5...Figure 4.17 Metallic Cd objects attached on papers (a) and the results of ne...Figure 4.18 The LiF/CaF2:Eu eutectic composite.Figure 4.19 The SEM image of the LiF/CaF2 eutectic composite.Figure 4.20 Pulse height spectra of the LiF/CaF2:Eu eutectic composites and ...Figure 4.21 Neutron absorption cross‐sections of atomsFigure 4.22 The 0.1–40% Pr‐doped CaF2 crystals by the spontaneous melt cryst...Figure 4.23 Scintillation decay curves of CaF2:Pr and CaF2:Eu crystals underFigure 4.24 Relative light yields of CaF2:Pr crystals underα‐ray irradiation...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Configuration of color centers and self‐trapped excitons in an io...Figure 5.2 Moisture absorption curves of a CsSr1‐xBaxI3:Eu (1%) single cryst...Figure 5.3 Moisture absorption curves of CeBr3, CeBr2Cl, CeBr1.5Cl1.5, CeBrC...Figure 5.4 Moisture absorption curves of SrI2, EuI2, BaI2, and CaI2 raw mate...Figure 5.5 Basic hydration processes in alkali and alkali‐earth iodides....Figure 5.6 Schematic of the Bridgman growth station with the modifications d...Figure 5.7 The X‐ray excited scintillation spectra of K2LaCl5:Ce [29].Figure 5.8 Scintillation decay curves of (a) K2KaCl5:Ce (b) K2KaBr5:Ce and (...Figure 5.9 137Cs‐gamma‐ray irradiated pulse height spectrum of RbGd2Br7:Ce [...Figure 5.10 (a) Scintillation spectrum and (b) 137Cs‐gamma‐ray irradiated pu...Figure 5.11 (a) Excitation and emission spectra and (b) 137Cs‐gamma‐ray irra...Figure 5.12 Comparison of pulse height spectra of CsBa2I5:Eu and NaI:Tl meas...Figure 5.13 Eu2+ emission decay time constants as a function of temperature ...Figure 5.14 (a) 137Cs‐gamma‐ray irradiated pulse height spectrum and (b) non...Figure 5.15 PSD scatter plot recorded for Cs2LiYCl6:Ce under irradiation fro...Figure 5.16 XRD patterns of LaBr2.25I0.75:Ce, LaBr1.5I1.5:Ce, and LaBr0.75I2...Figure 5.17 As‐retrieved grown Cs2HfCl6 with a diameter of (a) 16 mm and (b)...Figure 5.18 Schematic diagram of proposed three‐level model for a non‐lumine...Figure 5.19 (a) Photographic view of the Tl2LiGdCl6:Ce and (b) 137Cs‐gamma‐r...Figure 5.20 PSD scatter plot created using traces collected with Tl2LiYCl6:C...Figure 5.21 137Cs‐gamma‐ray irradiated pulse height spectra