Enhancing Agricultural Research and Precision Management for Subsistence Farming by Integrating System Models with Experiments. Группа авторов
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There is some uncertainty about the best management practices for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on the sandy loam soils in Ethiopia, especially in light of potential future climate change. Wheat is a major cereal crop in Ethiopia and yields need to be higher to support a growing population. However, poor soil conditions and biotic stresses limit potential yields. Chapter 3 (Araya et al., 2022) analyzes the power of crop simulation models to better understand what management factors can be used to increase wheat yields in these soils of Ethiopia. Such models can be used to augment more expensive and time consuming field‐scale experiments. The simulation results indicate that early planting with a plant density of 300 plants m−2 is optimal for this region and that increased nitrogen fertilization to a maximum of 180 kg ha−1 increases yields. The expected increase in average temperature along with increased CO2 due to climate change in this region, according to simulations, will increase wheat yields. The analysis did not take short episodes of extreme temperatures into account.
Agro‐ecosystem services provide agricultural, societal, and ecological benefits to all humans. These services include recharge of groundwater, climate modification, and maintenance of soil health, among other services. Climate change threatens the sustainability of these services. Chapter 5 (Ali et al., 2022) describes various simulation and numerical methods in detail used to quantify infiltration, aquifer recharge, and soil erosion in India and other nearby countries. These methods are then applied to understand how expected changes in climate will impact ecosystem services. Climate change models predict the wet season to become wetter and the dry season to become drier. Simulations show how water harvesting and storing excess summer water in ponds can increase groundwater recharge and provide additional water during dry periods. Because of increased future rainfall, soil erosion is predicted to increase by 58% and soil organic carbon loss is predicted to increase by 57% over the base period.
Chapter 7 (Ko et al., 2022) reports on a geospatial modeling approach to understand regional and geographical variations in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yields in Korea in the present and future environments. The simulations show that rice yields are more negatively affected by rising temperatures than is barley yield. Increased CO2 has little effect on alleviating the effects of high temperature on rice, whereas it has a larger effect on barley. Because the climate and geography of Korea varies greatly, there is great opportunity to identify areas where climate change could have beneficial effects such as bringing warmer temperatures to higher elevations. This will allow planners to mitigate some effects of climate change by adjusting cropping methods to geography. Here the authors developed statistical methods to divide Korea into regions that similarly respond to climate change. Such a classification will help agricultural planners better target areas for what will respond favorably to climate change.
China is a country with a large population and sizable areas where water is limited during the growing season. Arid areas are especially vulnerable to climate change, and it is important to understand the hydrology and water relations of arid lands. In these arid areas, groundwater can be a significant water source for agriculture. Chapter 6 (Gao et al., 2022) discusses modeling approaches to determine the best use of groundwater that can be supplied by capillary fluxes in the soil. Shallow groundwater can provide large amounts of water via capillary rise but can limit growth due to water logging. If the groundwater is very deep, greater than 3 or 4 m upward capillary flow cannot sustain crop growth. Irrigation with water pumped from groundwater can enhance the contribution of groundwater through capillary flow and increase irrigation water use efficiency. This is because when irrigation is used in areas with a groundwater depth less than 3 m, excess irrigation that percolates to the groundwater table is available for uptake by plants. These kinds of analyses are useful in areas with plentiful groundwater but undeveloped irrigation systems.
Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop in Africa. Adequate fertilizer can provide large yields, but there is often insufficient nitrogen fertilizer available or affordable to maintain optimum maize yields. Also, nitrogen uptake and use efficiency depends greatly on water availability, which, in turn, is affected by planting date. Chapter 4 (MacCarthy et al., 2022) explains how the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology (DSSAT) maize model is used to determine yield response to nitrogen fertilizer, variety, and sowing date at multiple locations in Ghana. The results demonstrate the spatial distribution of yield response to these variables in locations throughout Ghana and show that, at the eastern part of the Guinea Savanna, early and late planting best utilizes available rainfall and gives the best yields. Late planting is preferred in the Sudan Savanna area. They also found that, for early and very early varieties, 60 kg N ha−1 gave the best yields. Medium and long season varieties respond to higher nitrogen rates (90 kg ha−1), and the medium season variety gives better overall yields for simulations throughout the entire country.
The Fertile Crescent (FC) in the Middle East is considered one of the birthplaces of agriculture and is also in a region where the climate has historically been highly variable and subject to drought and high temperatures. Climate change is expected to result in an increasing frequency of drought and high temperatures in this region. Because of the pressure of increasing population and intensification of agricultural activities, there is a concern of increased soil degradation and decreasing production. Chapter 8 (Jaradat & Timlin, 2022) shows how simulation models and statistical modeling are used to identify the effects of climate change on yield gaps in this area. Under the three climate change scenarios used in the study, Jaradat and Timlin (2022) found annualized crop rotation and rainfed yields were expected to decrease by 34 and 65%, respectively, compared with current conditions. In spite of using crop rotations, soil carbon is also expected to decrease due to limited rainfall and increasing temperatures. This underscores the need to develop new cropping rotations that conserve soil carbon.
Jaradat and Timlin (2022) also look at yield gaps, which is the difference between best potential yield for the area and actual yields measured on farms. They find that three‐way relationships between potential yield (Yp), and yield gaps (Yg) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for the major crops separated the seven countries of the FC into three groups: Jordan and Iraq are expected to sustain the largest yield gaps; Turkey, Lebanon and Iran, the lowest; and Syria and Israel intermediate yield gaps. They conclude that closing these yield gaps demands immediate local adaptive research and will inevitably involve the adoption of management practices and inputs that have been developed and used elsewhere in the world during the 1900s.
The simulation studies in this book cover a wide variety of applications. They range from assessment of fertilizer and planting date on wheat and maize yields to studies of climate change impacts on surface and subsurface water resources and erosion. Models are applied to provide insight into geospatial distributions of crop response to different environmental and management variables. We also saw examples of socio‐economic analysis tied with model results. Many of the studies investigate the effects of climate change on crop yields using estimated climate data generated by climate change models (Representative Concentration Pathways RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5; and CMIP5 [Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, https://www.wcrp‐climate.org/wgcm‐cmip/wgcm‐cmip5]). The effects on subsistence and low‐input agriculture are expected to be severe due to lack of research on alternative management practices and limited resources for farmers. However, most studies show that increased diversification through crop rotations and use of alternative crops can decrease the variability caused by climate change and result