Acoustic and Vibrational Enhanced Oil Recovery. George V. Chilingar

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Acoustic and Vibrational Enhanced Oil Recovery - George V. Chilingar

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within the layer were derived. The presence of critical normal waves was established, similar to the appropriate concept of the wave theory in purely elastic wave guides near which the monotonous behavior of group velocities and fading coefficients disrupted. Thus, approximate analytical approach for the consideration of interaction between a layer (bed) with enclosing rocks and major parameters of flat monochromatic waves in the layer was used. Also, the escape of some vibration energy into the overlying and underlying rocks was considered.

      Bio determined the following boundaries of a low-frequency area where theoretic of results using both directions have been in a good agreement:


      where η and ρf are, respectively, fluid viscosity and density; and k and m are rock permeability and porosity, respectively.

      where K is the frequency limit of the sound velocity; λ is the constant depending on the difference between the sound velocity limit values at high and low frequency and on זr; and K is the complex wave vector.

      A similar dispersion law is typical also for nonuniform porous media filled with a viscous liquid due to the sound wave dispersion on the surface of nonuniformities and their conversion to rapidly fading viscous waves [28].

      The core of the packing operator Equation (2.2) is a particular case of a more common Abel core:

      where Г is the gamma function.

      Next, the authors exam the complete second order equation for flat single-dimension waves extracted from Equation (2.2) and generalized according to Equation (2.3) for mathematical modeling of wave spreading within micro-nonuniform media. The causal single-dimensional second-order wave equation is

      where δ(x) is Dirac delta function.

      This fundamental solution enables the presentation of a general solution Equation (2.4) in the form of modified Duhamel integral, and in and of itself, it describes a wave impulse excited by an instantaneous point source. As Equation (2.4) is asymptotic at ω >> 1/τr, this model is applicable only near the wave impulse front during the time period or at a distance (C ∞ = 1) smaller than זr (which at accepted dimensionless units equals one).

      where the function (ζ) may be represented through an inverse Laplace transform:

      Its expansion in a series is

      where H(ζ) is Heaviside step function. In a special case at α = ½, the series (2.8) converges to

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