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cell types: fibroblasts and melanocytes. The anterior cells, which lack a basement membrane, form an almost continuous layer with their cellular processes, but frequent small openings with large intercellular spaces and extension of underlying melanocyte processes break this continuity. This anterior fibrocytic layer can be exquisitely thin and easily overlooked histologically. Particles measuring up to 200 μm in diameter can diffuse into the iris stroma through the anterior portion of the iris. For the most part, the melanocytes are oriented parallel to the iris surface, and their processes intermingle with other melanocytes and anterior fibroblasts with no intercellular junctions. The shape of the melanin granules in the stroma varies between species and with the maturity of the granules. The pigment granules in the cat and dog are lanceolate to ovoid in shape, whereas they are round to ovoid in the horse. In addition to the scattered melanocytes in the anterior stroma of most dog irides, a dense band of melanocytes can be present in the ciliary zone anterior to the dilator muscle, extending centrally to the sphincter muscle. The granules are generally smaller and more rod‐like than the pigmented granules of the posterior epithelium. Particularly in the horse and the dog, large cells containing pigment are associated with capillaries and venules near the sphincter muscle. The iris stroma is composed of fine collagenous fibers, chromatophores, and fibroblasts. The stroma is loosely arranged except around blood vessels and nerves, where it can form dense sheaths.

Photo depicts equine iris (I) and anterior ciliary body (CB).

      Iridal color varies considerably among individuals, breeds, and species. The variation of iridal color results from the amount and type of pigmentation present. The coloration of irides in most domestic animals is dark brown, golden brown, gold, blue, or blue‐green. Several avian species have brightly colored irides. Historically, these bright colors were thought to result from the presence of carotenoids; however, purines and pteridines may be the major iridal pigments in a variety of avian species, including doves and great‐horned owls. Combinations of purines, pteridines, and carotenoids probably occur in the irides of avian species.

Photo depicts (a) melanocytes are concentrated in a wide band anterior to the dilator muscle (DM), as seen in the lower half of this iris. (b) Photograph of a cat demonstrating the MAC in the peripheral iris.

      The posterior iridal surface is covered by two layers of epithelium. The anterior layer, which forms the dilator muscle, is continuous with the pigmented epithelium of the ciliary body, whereas the posterior layer, which is densely pigmented, is continuous with the nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body.

      The iridal dilator muscle is a single layer of smooth muscle fibers in the posterior iridal stroma extending from the iris sphincter to the iris periphery. These muscle fibers apically (i.e., posteriorly) contain pigment around their nuclei and are innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers. The basal regions of each cell, which contain the myofilaments, overlap one another in a shingle‐like fashion. The basal aspect of the posterior epithelium of the iris faces the posterior chamber and has numerous surface projections.

      The apical portion of the cells of the anterior epithelium (iris dilator muscle) contains the nucleus and is located adjacent to the apical portion of the posterior epithelium. Melanin granules are predominately present in the apical portion of the cell. The myoepithelial (basal) portion has scattered melanin granules, forms irregular projections into the stroma, and is covered by a basement membrane.

Photo depicts sphincter muscle (SM) location in the dog (a) and in the horse (b). Schematic illustration of (a) iris sphincter muscles that create a slit pupil when the pupil is constricted as found in domestic cats, bobcats, and lynx. (b) The circular iris sphincter muscle as found in primates, birds, dogs, and pigs. (c) Iris sphincter muscle in an ungulate with a horizontal pupil.

      The iris contains numerous myelinated and nonmyelinated nerves for autonomic innervation. The myelinated fibers do not specifically follow the iris vessels, but they have a similar pattern

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