Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt

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Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology - Kirk N. Gelatt

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fibers of the stroma. Upon entering the iris, each long ciliary nerve forms a dorsal and a ventral branch, to form a circular nerve in the ciliary zone and also to meet their counterparts from the opposite side dorsally and ventrally. The belief that reflex constriction of the mammalian pupil in response to light depends exclusively on neural pathways between the eye and central nervous system may not be true.

      Ciliary Body

Photo depicts inner surface of the ciliary body of a dog treated with α-chymotrypsin to remove the lenticular zonules. Photo depicts SEM (sagittal view) of the inner ciliary body of a dog reveals numerous zonular fibers attached along the epithelial surface. Photo depicts SEM of the ciliary processes and zonular fibers in a horse. Photo depicts the bilayered ciliary epithelium that lines the ciliary processes and intervening valleys. Photo depicts apical junctions of nonpigmented (NPE) and pigmented (PE) ciliary epithelium in a cat.

      A thin layer or core of loose connective tissue with blood vessels and nerves lies under the ciliary epithelium, separating the ciliary body epithelium from the underlying ciliary body musculature. The vascular plexus within the stroma of the ciliary process is leaky, being lined with a fenestrated endothelium. Fibrocytes and melanocytes are sparsely populated within the stroma, being more concentrated near the ciliary body muscle.

      The pars plana is the flat, posterior portion of the ciliary body that extends from the posterior termination of the processes to the retina (ora ciliaris retinae) and an important area to access surgically the vitreous space and posterior segment (see Chapter 13, Section III). The width of the pars plana varies because the retina extends more anteriorly in the inferior and medial quadrants in most species, enhancing peripheral vision. Therefore, the pars plana is usually widest superiorly and laterally.


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