Properties for Design of Composite Structures. Neil McCartney

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Properties for Design of Composite Structures - Neil McCartney

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alt="StartLayout 1st Row normal upper I 1212 Superscript sym Baseline equals one-half left-parenthesis delta 11 delta 22 plus delta 12 delta 21 right-parenthesis equals one-half comma 2nd Row normal upper I 2112 Superscript sym Baseline equals one-half left-parenthesis delta 21 delta 12 plus delta 22 delta 11 right-parenthesis equals one-half comma 3rd Row normal upper I 1221 Superscript sym Baseline equals one-half left-parenthesis delta 12 delta 21 plus delta 11 delta 22 right-parenthesis equals one-half period EndLayout"/>(2.16)

      The definition (2.15) is used to define the fourth-order identity tensors used in this book which are denoted by I or I.

      2.4 Displacement and Velocity Vectors

      Consider a continuous elastic medium that is being deformed from some homogeneous initial state as a result of loading. At some time t, a material point at x will have moved from its initial location x¯ in the material. The motion of the medium can be described by the following transformation g and its inverse G


      The vector x¯ defines ‘material coordinates’, associated with the motion of the medium that, together with the function g, can be used to describe the spatial variation during deformation of any physical quantity with respect to its original configuration. The transformation (2.17) is assumed to be single-valued and possess continuous partial derivatives with respect to their arguments. It is also assumed that the inverse function G exists locally, and this is always the case when the Jacobian J is such that


      The displacement of a material point x¯ is denoted by u(x¯,t) when using material coordinates, and is defined by



      The velocity v of a material point x¯ may be calculated using the relation


      2.5 Material Time Derivative

      The concept of a material time derivative (often named the substantive derivative) associated with the motion of the material is fundamental to the mechanics of continuous media. If ϕ is any scalar, vector or tensor quantity such that ϕ(x,t)≡ϕ¯(x¯,t), then its material time derivative is defined by




      where ∇ denotes the gradient with respect to the coordinates x.

      Consider now a region V of the system bounded by the closed surface S enclosing a sample of the medium which is moving such that the velocity distribution at time t is denoted by v(x,t). It follows that, for any extensive property ϕ(x,t) of the system, the material time derivative (associated with the mean motion) of the integral of ϕ(x,t) over the region fixed region V may be written as


      From reference [1, Equation (2.4.9)], for example,


      On substituting (2.24) into (2.23) it follows on using (2.22) that


      where use has been made of the following identity

      On using the divergence theorem, the identity (2.25) may then be written as