Parasitology. Alan Gunn
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4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Fasciola hepatica life cycle stages. (a) Adult worm. The adult wo...Figure 5.2 Life cycle of Fasciola hepatica. 1: The definitive host becomes i...Figure 5.3 Fasciolopsis buski adult stage. Adult worms can grow to 75 mm in ...Figure 5.4 Life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski. 1: Infection occurs when the de...Figure 5.5 Dicrocoelium dendriticum adult stage. Adult worms grow to 10 mm i...Figure 5.6 Life cycle of Dicrocoelium dendriticum. 1: Infection occurs when ...Figure 5.7 Clonorchis sinensis adult stage. Adult worms grow to 25 mm in len...Figure 5.8 Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis. 1: Infection occurs when the d...Figure 5.9 Opisthorchis viverrini adult stage. Adult worms grow to about 12 ...Figure 5.10 Paragonimus westermani. (a) Adult stage. Adult worms grow to abo...Figure 5.11 Diagrammatic representation of a frog deformed following infecti...Figure 5.12 Schistosome life cycle stages. (a) Adult Schistosoma haematobium Figure 5.13 Schistosome life cycle. (1) Infection commences when cercariae i...Figure 5.14 Diphyllobothrium latum adult stage. The scolex of D. latum has t...Figure 5.15 Life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum. 1: Infection commences whe...Figure 5.16 Taenia solium life cycle stages. (a) Adult stage, scolex. The sc...Figure 5.17 Life cycle of Taenia solium. 1: Infection commences when a human...Figure 5.18 Taenia saginata life cycle stages. (a) Adult stage, unarmed scol...Figure 5.19 Life cycle to Taenia saginata. 1: Infection commences when a hum...Figure 5.20 Taenia hydatigena larval stage. (a) Cysticerci growing on the su...Figure 5.21 Taenia multiceps. (a) Coenurus removed from the brain of a sheep...Figure 5.22 Echinococcus granulosus life cycle stages. (a) Adult worm, note ...Figure 5.23 Life cycle of Echinococcus granulosus (sensu strictu). 1: Infect...Figure 5.24 Multilocular cyst formed by Echinococcus multilocularis in the l...Figure 5.25 Moniezia expansa. (a) Proglottids of Moniezia expansa in sheep f...Figure 5.26 Unidentified acanthocephalan. (a) Whole worm (25 mm in length). ...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Trichuris trichiura. (a) Adult male worm. Note the long slender a...Figure 6.2 Encysted larvae of Trichinella spiralis within skeletal muscle.Figure 6.3 Life cycle of Strongyloides stercoralis. 1: Infection commences w...Figure 6.4 Strongyloides stercoralis third‐stage larvae. (a) Infective form ...Figure 6.5 Mouth and buccal cavity of Ancylostoma duodenale. (a) Dorsal view...Figure 6.6 Hookworm eggs and larvae. Most hookworm eggs and larvae are simil...Figure 6.7 Necator americanus. Adult stage. Anterior region, note the cuttin...Figure 6.8 Life cycle of Necator americanus. 1: Infection commences when the...Figure 6.9 Ascaris lumbricoides. (a) Adult worms. (b) Section through the li...Figure 6.10 Life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides/Ascaris suum. 1: Infection co...Figure 6.11 Enterobius vermicularis. (a) Adult female – these are 8–13 mm in...Figure 6.12 Toxocara canis. (a) Adult female (scale in mm). (b) Anterior of ...Figure 6.13 Toxocara canis life cycle. 1: A dog becomes infected when it con...Figure 6.14 Microfilariae of various filarial nematode species drawn to scal...Figure 6.15 Onchocerca volvulus. (a) Section through a nodule containing adu...Figure 6.16 Loa loa. (a) Drawing of an adult worm traversing the cornea....Figure 6.17 Life cycle of Dracunculus medinensis. 1: Infection of the defini...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Adult Demodex folliculorum.Figure 7.2 Adult Sarcoptes scabei. (a) Female, dorsal view. (b) Male, ventra...Figure 7.3 Psoroptes ovis. Adults and nymphs. The adult mites are small (~0....Figure 7.4 Argas persicus. (a) Adult stage. This grows up to 10 mm in length...Figure 7.5 Engorged adult female Ixodes ricinus.Figure 7.6 Parasitic copepod Pennella balaenopterae. Key: a: abdomen; c: cep...Figure 7.7 Argulus foliaceus. Fish louse. This female specimen was 7 mm in l...Figure 7.8 Armillifer armillatus (adult stage), Pentastoma. The adult stage ...Figure 7.9 Life cycle of the pentastome Linguatula serrata. 1: The definitiv...Figure 7.10 Menacanthus stramineus Mallophaga, biting louse. (a) Live louse ...Figure 7.11 Human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis. (a) Adult female lo...Figure 7.12 Human crab louse Phthirus pubis. (a) Adult louse. (b) Claws on m...Figure 7.13 Haematopinus suis. This is the only louse that parasitises pigs....Figure 7.14 Examples of Order Siphonaptera (fleas). (a) Ctenocephalides feli...Figure 7.15 Sheep blowfly strike (Irbid, Jordan) caused mostly by the fleshf...Figure 7.16 Cordylobia anthropophaga. Mature third‐stage larva. This specime...Figure 7.17 Oestrus ovis. (a) Third instar larva within the turbinate bones ...Figure 7.18 Gasterophilus intestinalis. (a) Live larvae in the stomach of a ...Figure 7.19 Hypoderma lineatum. (a) Mature larva removed from the warble (th...Figure 7.20 Dermatobia hominis. Mature larva after removal from the skin. No...Figure 7.21 Adult Nycteribiid. These wingless flies are parasitic on bats. H...
7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Haemonchus contortus. (a) Whole worm (male), scale in mm. (b) Ant...
8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Granulomatous reaction (arrow) surrounding schistosome eggs.
9 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Dictyocaulus viviparus. (a) Adult male worm, scale in mm. (b) An...Figure 11.2 Heel of a man suffering from a co‐infection of chromoblastomycos...Figure 11.3 ‘Lizard skin’ resulting from hyper‐onchodermatitis in an 11‐year...
10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Note the loss of blood ...Figure 12.2 After this man’s tongue was reattached, leeches were applied to ...Figure 12.3 Slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. (a) Slug ...Figure 12.4 Scanning electron micrograph of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitr...
11 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 CareStart Lateral Flow Test for Malaria. Position 1 detects hist...
12 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Legislation is not effective unless it is enforceable. (a) The M...
5 Preface