Бизнес в стиле romantic. Отдавай все, не считаясь ни с чем, чтобы создать нечто более великое, чем ты сам. Тим Леберехт
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Читать онлайн книгу Бизнес в стиле romantic. Отдавай все, не считаясь ни с чем, чтобы создать нечто более великое, чем ты сам - Тим Леберехт страница 27
К моменту написания этой книги Financial Times обвинили Пикетти в опоре на неверные данные, вслед за чем последовала жаркая дискуссия.
Chris Giles. Piketty findings undercut by errors // Financial Times. 2014. May 23. URL: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/e1f343ca-e281-11e3-89fd‑00144feabdc0.html#axzz32eqg7ENQ.
Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman. The Distribution of US Wealth, Capital Income and Returns since 1913. URL: http://gabriel-zucman.eu/files/SaezZucman2014Slides.pdf.
David Bollier. Power Curve Society: The Future of Innovation, Opportunity and Social Equity in the Emerging Networked Economy / Washington, D.C.: the Aspen Institute, 2013. URL: http://www.aspeninstitute.org/policy-work/communications-society/power-curve-society-future-innovation-opportunity-social-equity?utm_source=as.pn&utm_medium=url-shortener.
David Brooks. Capitalism for the Masses // New York Times. 2014. February 20. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/21/opinion/brooks-capitalism-for-the-masses.html.
Jaron Lanier. Who Owns the Future? N. Y.: Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Marc Andreessen. Why Software Is Eating the World // Wall Street Journal, 2011. August 20. URL: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424053111903480904576512250915629460.
Nelson D. Schwartz. The Middle Class Is Steadily Eroding. Just Ask the Business World // New York Times. 2014. February 2.
Barack Obama. Remarks by the President on Economic Mobility. 2013. December 4. URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/12/04/remarks-president-economic-mobility.
Greg Smith. Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs // New York Times. 2012. March 14. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/14/opinion/why-i-am-leaving-goldman-sachs.html?pagewanted=all.
Sam Polk. For the Love of Money // New York Times. 2014. January 18. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/19/opinion/sunday/for-the-love-of-money.html.
Work, Stress, and Health / National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health Conference, 1999.
Pew Research Center / Millennials in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends. 2014. March 7. URL: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/files/2014/03/2014-03-07_generations-report-version-for-web.pdf.
Evgeny Morozov. The Perils of Perfection // New York Times. 2013. March 2. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/03/opinion/sunday/the-perils-of-perfection.html?pagewanted=all. Cм. также его книгу: To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism. New York: Public Affairs, 2013.
Naomi O’Leary. Pope Attacks ‘Tyranny’ of Markets in Manifesto for Papacy / Reuters. 2013. November 26. URL: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/26/us-pope-document-idUSBRE9AP0EQ20131126.
Brigid Schulte. Overwhelmed: Work, Love, And Play When No One Has The Time. New York: Sarah Crichton Books. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.
Alia McKee and Tim Walker. State of Friendship in America. URL: http://getlifeboat.com/goodies/report2013/.
Pew Research Center / Millennials