Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем. Дуглас Мюррей

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Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - Дуглас Мюррей

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протестов. Но Ханойская Джейн была непреклонна. Она продолжала ласкать Кольберта, целовать его в щеку и тискать. Затем она заговорила о преждевременной эякуляции. Это тянулось вечно.

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      See Jean-Francois Lyotard (trans. Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi), The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Manchester University Press, 1984, pp. xxiv and 37.


      Jaron Lanier, Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Henry Holt, 2018, p. 26.


      Coleman Hughes in conversation with Dave Rubin, The Rubin Report, YouTube, 12 October 2018.


      ‘Hunger strikers died for gay rights, claims Sinn Fein senator Fintan Warf eld’, Belfast Telegraph, 15 August 2016.


      См. https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1066934424804057088


      See Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting up a Generation for Failure, Allen Lane, 2018, pp. 5 – 7ff.


      APA Guidelines for psychological practice with men and boys, August 2018: https://www.apa.org/about/policy/boys-men-practice-guidelines.pdf


      See ‘Views of racism as a major problem increase sharply, especially among Democrats’, Samantha Neal, Pew Research Center, 29 August 2017.


      Ekow N. Yankah, The New York Times, 11 November 2017.


      Helen Pidd, ‘Women shun cycling because of safety, not helmet hair’, The Guardian, 13 June 2018.


      Tim Hunt interview by Robin McKie, ‘I’ve been hung out to dry’, The Observer, 13 June 2015. What got him into trouble were these words: ‘Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab. You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry.’


      See the exchange between Senator Katy Gallagher and Senator Mitch Fif eld in the Australian Senate on 11 February 2016.


      See for instance this thread: https://twitter.com/HarryTheOwl/status/1088144870991114241


      CNN interview with Rep Debbie Dingell, 17 November 2017.


      Kenneth Minogue, The Liberal Mind, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis edn, 2000, p. 1.


      Good Morning Britain, ITV, 5 September 2017.


      John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Penguin, 2006, pp. 60 – 1.


      ‘Nicky Morgan says homophobia may be sign of extremism’, BBC News, 30 June 2015.


      Robert Samuels, Washington Post, 29 August 2016.


      ‘Desert Island Discs: Tom Daley felt “inferior” over sexuality’, BBC News website, 30 September 2018.


      ‘Made in Chelsea’s Ollie Locke to become Ollie Locke-Locke’, BBC News website, 1 October 2018.


      The New York Times (International Edition), 16 October 2017, pp. 15 – 17.


      See for instance Russell T. Davies, ‘A Rose by any other name’, The Observer, 2 September 2001.


      See ‘Generation Z – beyond binary: new insights into the next generation’, Ipsos Mori, 6 July 2018.


      These are: B. S. Mustanski, M. G. Dupree, C. M. Nievergelt et al., ‘A genome-wide scan of male sexual orientation’, Human Genetics, 116 (2005), pp. 272 – 8; R. Blanchard, J. M. Cantor, A. F. Bogaert et al., ‘Interaction of fraternal birth order and handedness

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