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А. М. Водена.


      Osnos, Evan. “Survival of the Richest.” The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich


      “MLTalks with Douglas Rushkoff-Team Human: How People, Together, Can Rule the Digital Future.” MIT Media Lab. https://www.media.mit.edu/events/mltalks-douglas-rushkoff/


      “Douglas Rushkoff: “Survival of the Richest”.” Medium. September 5, 2018. https://medium.com/s/playback/douglas-rushkoff-survival-of-the-richest-eac5601b935b.


      Gray, John. Black Mass. Great Britain: Penguin Books, 2008


      Egginton, William. In Defense of Religious Moderation. Columbia University Press, 2016, p. 140.; Zuckerman, Phil. Living the Secular Life: New Answers to Old Questions. Penguin Books, 2015, p. 47.


      Yeats, William B. The Collected Works. Scribner, 1994, p. 158.


      Пер. Г. Кружкова.


      В изданном переводе «И пришло разрушение». – Прим. перев.


      В изданном переводе «И побрели в Вифлеем». – Прим. перев.


      Ballard, Ed. “Terror, Brexit and U.S. Election Have Made 2016 the Year of Yeats.” The Wall Street Journal. August 23, 2016. https://www.wsj.com/articles/terror-brexit-and-u-s-election-have-made-2016-the-year-of-yeats-1471970174.


      “IDEO Design Thinking.” IDEO, designthinking.ideo.com/.


      Clifton, Lucille. How to Carry Water: Selected Poems of Lucille Clifton. BOA Editions, Limited, 2020, p. 107


      “Kurt Vonnegut Diagrams the Shape of All Stories in a Master’s Thesis Rejected by U. Chicago.” Open Culture. February 18, 2014. http://www.openculture.com/2014/02/kurt-vonnegut-masters-thesis-rejected-by-u-chicago.html.


      Mecklin, John. “This is your COVID wake-up call: It is 100 seconds to midnight. 2021 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. January 27, 2021. https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time.


      “United in Science 2020.” World Meteorological Organization. public.wmo.int/en/resources/united_in_science.


      “An Intellectual Entente.” Harvard Magazine. September 10, 2009. https://harvardmagazine.com/breaking-news/james-watson-edward-o-wilson-intellectual-entente.


      The New York Times. Shenker, Israel. “E. B. White: Notes and Comment by Author” July 11, 1969. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/97/08/03/lifetimes/white-notes.html?_r=3.


      “Notre Dame: An Omen.” The Dennis Prager Show. April 16, 2019. https://dennisprager.com/column/notre-dame-an-omen/.


      Goldstein, Matthew, Alexandra Stevenson, and Emily Flitter. “Goldman Sachs Ensnarled in Vast 1MDB Fraud Scandal.” The New York Times. November 1, 2018 г. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/01/business/goldman-sachs-malaysia-investment-fund.html.


      Mahajan, Karan. “How the Gupta Brothers Hijacked South Africa Using Bribes Instead of Bullets.” Vanity Fair. March 3, 2019. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/03/how-the-gupta-brothers-hijacked-south-africa-corruption-bribes.


      Anonimous. “McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners.” Current Affairs. February 05, 2019. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/02/mckinsey-company-capitals-willing-executioners.


      Mellman, Aryeh, and Norman Eisen. “Addressing the Other COVID Crisis: Corruption.” Brookings. July 22, 2020. https://www.brookings.edu/research/addressing-the-other-covid-crisis-corruption/.


      “FinCEN Files: All You Need to Know about the Documents Leak.” BBC News. September 21, 2020. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54226107.


      Stiglitz, Joseph E. “The End of Neoliberalism and the Rebirth of History.” Ideas & Insights. November 6, 2019. https://www8.gsb.columbia.edu/articles/chazen-global-insights/end-neoliberalism-and-rebirth-history.


      Taneja, Hemant. “The Era of “Move Fast and Break Things” Is Over.” Harvard Business Review. January 22, 2019. https://hbr.org/2019/01/the-era-of-move-fast-and-break-things-is-over.


      Confessore, Nicholas. “Cambridge Analytica and Facebook: The Scandal and the Fallout So Far.” The New York Times. April 4, 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.html.


      Waddell, Kaveh. “Why Google Quit China-and Why It’s Heading Back.” The Atlantic. January 19, 2016. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/01/why-google-quit-china-and-why-its-heading-back/424482/.


      Bowles, Nellie. “Silicon Valley Goes to Therapy.” The New York Times. September 20, 2019. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/business/silicon-valley-therapy-anxiety.html.


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