Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023). Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»

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Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 3 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 3 (2023) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»

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      1) Active involvement of every participant in the conceptualization, execution, and assessment of social initiatives;

      2) Forging links between actual life experiences and an adaptable, open learning framework;

      3) Transforming the educator’s role into that of a mentor and critic, fostering a dynamic perspective;

      4) Establishing an educational environment that facilitates access to information technology. This approach attains maximum efficacy through integration:

      • in a flexible format into various phases of education, starting from the freshman year. Its implementation ranges from individual disciplines dedicated to devising and executing community projects, all the way to realizing graduation projects in tandem with specific social partners;

      • in the format of internships, practical courses, and elective subjects, enabling students to immerse themselves in resolving issues of social significance throughout their academic journey.

      In 2022, AVC also introduced a practical manual aimed at embedding the methodology within universities. This resource provides insights into integrating service learning into the educational process and integrating the practice into the Dobro. Centers program, an instrumental player in this model, uniting universities and the local community. Moreover, the “Service Learning” educational course was unveiled on the Dobro.University platform, drawing participation from nearly 2,000 people. In 2023, the prestigious #WEARETOGETHER International Awards introduced a dedicated Service Learning category along with a special accolade recognizing Mentoring of the Year.

      Dmitry Zemtsov, Vice-Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, asserts that the Russian education system offers versatile avenues for assimilating the practices of service learning into the educational landscape. Universities can make the execution of social projects by students an integral part of the curricular work, incorporate elective modules aimed at resolving societal predicaments, and integrate relevant educational subjects into their curricula.

      Furthermore, universities can corroborate a student’s engagement in socially impactful projects during their tenure through a verified diploma supplement or resume. Another compelling option involves forging alliances between universities and socially-oriented organizations, thus driving students to directly participate in projects and initiatives. “For instance, at the Higher School of Economics, students can partake in the Rediscovering Russia expedition, immersing themselves in regional challenges. They can prepare term papers and graduate theses focused on societal issues, eventually receiving a diploma supplement highlighting their contribution to socially meaningful endeavors,” underscores Zemtsov.


      As highlighted earlier, the core essence of service learning revolves around the symbiotic relationship between universities and non-profit organizations (NGOs).

      In today’s world, the youth demographic stands as a wellspring of myriad social initiatives, since the younger generation has a desire to effect positive change is wholeheartedly inclined to actively partake in the dynamics of society, Artem Metelev believes.

      At this moment, the pivotal juncture for meaningful collaboration between universities and non-profit entities should not be overlooked, underscores Elena Isaeva. This is because higher education institutions embody the final bastion where an individual’s core values can be shaped. As such, it would be shortsighted to merely impart professional competencies to students, neglecting the cultivation of patriotism, civic responsibility, and broader philosophical perspectives.

      “NGO leaders, being the most active proponents of the right cause, wield the potential to profoundly influence the development of civic character on an emotional level,” affirms Isaeva. “No one can resonate with the depths of the human soul quite like an NGO leader who herself is a mother to a differently-abled child. Her motivations transcend mere remuneration; her commitment arises from an unshakeable conviction that a different path in life is inconceivable, and she dedicates herself to alleviating the challenges faced by her child and those akin to him or her. Consequently, the integration of authentic, environment-born projects into the educational process is of paramount significance, as opposed to relying on contrived academic constructs.”

      “We are currently at the stage of fostering a partnership culture between NGOs and universities. The data from the Presidential Grants Fund substantiates a burgeoning landscape where thousands of projects feature universities collaborating with NGOs,” remarks Artem Shadrin, Director of the Institute of Socio-Economic Design at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

      The scope of collaboration between universities and NGOs is extensive, spanning:

      • The inclusion of nonprofits in the development and execution of educational programs: teaching, internships, practical experiences, and the establishment of collaborative structural units resembling foundational departments;

      • The implementation of joint volunteer initiatives, involving not just students but also university staff;

      • The orchestration of analytical research and the assessment of socio-economic outcomes for NGOs by universities;

      • Collaboration in the execution of supplementary professional education programs and online courses;

      • Allocation of dedicated spaces;

      • Joint participation in formulating strategic developmental blueprints for territories, for instance, within the framework of “boiling point” initiatives, and much more.


      In Artem Metelev’s perspective, the success of the “Service Learning” module hinges upon several factors:

      1) The seamless amalgamation of theoretical education and hands-on societal involvement into a cohesive journey;

      2) The cultivation and nourishment of partnerships between universities and NGOs;

      3) The motivation of students to actively engage in resolving tangible social issues and challenges;

      4) The formation of university-based teams comprising educators, methodologists, and proactive students, united in implementing the methodology;

      5) The stimulation of regional NGOs to actively solicit their projects on the DOBRO.RF platform;

      6) The expansion of students’ opportunities to partake in practice-oriented education and instilling in them a sense of solidarity towards the predicaments of others.

      “Thus, after receiving knowledge in the classroom, students can leave the university grounds and venture forth to extend assistance, implement social initiatives, undergo internships, and actively contribute. In this dynamic, they effectively embody the role of both volunteers and aspirants seeking practical experience within their field of expertise.” – notes the expert.

      Elena Isaeva postulates that one of the unique characteristics of implementing this technology in Russia is that not all universities have accumulated experience in collaborating with the non-profit sector. Additionally, a framework for rewarding staff members who are also members of NGOs is yet to be established. Thus, many universities will face initial challenges, necessitating them to identify suitable NGO partners, discern genuine endeavors from superficial ones, and ascertain whether it actually works. In this pursuit, reliance on regional resource centers and public chambers will be crucial, coupled with the establishment of agreements with those NGOs genuinely committed to channeling live, authentic projects for student involvement, as well as direct

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