Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому. Larisa Lubimova

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Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому - Larisa Lubimova

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      • You know I’m always here if you ever want to talk about your career.

      • I wish there was some way I could help you avoid common pitfalls on your way to the top.

      • I’ve taken an interest in your career and would like to offer whatever advice I can.

      • Some wise person once showed me the ropes here; I’d like to do the same for you.

      • If you have the desire to succeed, I have the skills, experience, and time to mentor you.


      • Sometimes innovation is just a matter of looking at the same thing through a different lens.

      • I think we really need to embrace the motto «Think different.»

      • I think we are ripe for one of those eureka moments. Are you game?

      • There are no mistakes here – only creativity and innovation.


      Now, we would like you to look at the most common complaints people make about their work and figure out what to do and what to say in each situation. Show your best managerial skills. Let’s start!

      1. I would like a job with more responsibility, but there are very few managerial posts available

      2. I find the work rather boring and tedious

      3.They don’t pay me enough. I deserve more

      4. All I do is work, work, work

      5. There are always rumours that jobs are going to be cut

      6. Nobody appreciates the work I do

      7. I always feel as if I am a weak link

      8. We have a glass ceiling here, no matter what and how we do

      Vocabulary exercises

      1.Read the definition of the new vocabulary and write an appropriate phrase or word

      1.To get something good as a result of your own actions -?

      2. Willing to do things that are new, difficult, or that involve risks -?

      3. An extremely high standard of skills and experience -?

      4. The task that should be completed successfully -?

      5. A special advantage or benefit, in addition to the money you are paid, that you are given because of your job -?

      6.Arranged and cannot be changed by discussion-?

      7.To calculate an amount of something (for example tax/ overhead costs)./To solve, to find an answer -?

      8.To go down in amount or value very quickly and suddenly -?

      9.To avoid typical mistakes -?

      10.To formally praise someone or something -?

      2. Choose the correct option

      1.A way of referring to the situation in modern society in which people compete with each other for money and power

      a) a rat race b) a rat cat c) racing d) in a rut

      2.Willing to do things that are new, difficult, or that involve risks

      a) to play the game b) to be game c) to gamble d) to have a game

      3. To formally praise someone or something

      a) to commend b) to plummet c) to command d) to figure out

      4. To see a situation from a new point of view

      a) to look at it from a new perspective b) to have your own point of view c) to figure out d) to learn the ropes

      5. To avoid typical mistakes

      a) to avoid misunderstanding b) to avoid common pitfalls c) to avoid disappointment d) to pull figures out of the air

      6. A special advantage or benefit, in addition to the money you are paid, that you are given because of your job

      a) present b) surprise c) perk d) pick

      7. To show someone how to do a job or activity

      a) to avoid common pitfalls b) to show the way out c) to show somebody the ropes d) to show the rules

      8.The task that should be completed successful

      a) Task to accomplish b) task to remember c) task to forget d) task to be fixed

      9.To learn how to do a job or activity

      a) to learn the rules b) to learn the ropes c) to learn the music d) to learn the job

      10.To calculate an amount of something (for example tax/ overhead costs) /To solve, to find an answer

      a) to figure out b) to make a figure c) to go out 4) to manage

      3.Rephrase the sentences using new vocabulary

      1. The company places great attention to employee wellness, offering gym memberships and healthy snacks in the office.

      2. If you work hard and meet your goals, you’ll receive a generous bonus at the end of the year.

      3. With her background in finance, this new project is just what she likes

      4. As a senior member of the team, it’s time for you to take on more responsibility and lead the project.

      5. We have a big task to complete before the end of the month, so we need to work efficiently.

      6. The company’s stock price fell sharply down after the CEO’s scandal.

      7. With his brilliant skills and experience, he was commended for his outstanding work on the project.

      8. The team has been in a tough spot lately, but we’re working on new strategies to turn things around.

      9. By learning from past mistakes, we can avoid common blunders in our upcoming projects.


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