Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому. Larisa Lubimova

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Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому - Larisa Lubimova

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style="font-size:15px;">      b up

      c over

      *** a rut

      A in

      b over

      c off

      To consider yourself *** notice

      a of

      b on

      c at

      To pull figures *** the air

      a out of

      b to

      c up

      To look *** it from a new perspective

      a for

      b of

      c at

      7. To figure ***

      a out

      b on

      c in

      8.To show somebody *** the ropes

      a for

      b of

      c —

      9.To be *** game

      a out of

      b —

      c up

      10.To assign *** tasks

      a of

      b on

      c —

      5.Translate the sentences using new vocabulary

      1.Благодаря своим выдающимся навыкам и опыту он получил высокую оценку за успешную работу над проектом.

      2.Менеджер похвалила команду за усердную работу и преданность проекту.

      3. Генеральный директор решил полностью пересмотреть стандарты после серии неудач.

      4. Нам необходимо поднять планку, если мы хотим добиться успеха в этой конкурентной отрасли.

      5. Если вы не улучшите свою производительность, вам следует считать, что вас взяли на заметку.

      6. Цена акций компании резко упала после публикации негативных новостей.

      7.Делая финансовые прогнозы, вы не можете просто брать цифры из воздуха

      8. Давайте посмотрим на это с новой точки зрения и выскажем несколько свежих идей.

      9. Я готов решать новые задачи и заставлять себя достигать большего.

      10. Пришло время ставить задачи по предстоящему мероприятию и приступить к планированию.

      Text: How to motivate employees and achieve success in business

      1.Find 10 grammar mistakes in this part of the text

      Great leaders and managers have the ability inspiring and motivate their employees to reach their full potential and achieve greatness. They understand the importance of discipline and how it can be driven individuals to excel in their work. By setting a positive example and providing guidance, they can empower their team striving for extraordinary accomplishments. Some top managers believe that unconventional methods of motivating the team can bring excellent results.Instead of relying solely of financial rewards, they prefer to offer unique opportunities as rewards, like as concert tickets or weekend getaways. They believe that this types of rewards not only motivate employees, but also show them that they appreciate their hard work and dedication. They also strive to help the team think outside the box. For example, they might invite a motivational speaker or organise a seminar on personal development. They convinced that investing in the growth and the well-being of employees not only boost morale, but also improves overall productivity. Instead from just to offer bonuses, they organise corporate competitions with a fun prizes for the winners. They believe that this not only fosters healthy competition, but also strengthens friendships among employees.Instead of relying on traditional methods, they prefer to be creative.

      2 Fill in 10 missing words in this part of the text

      Motivational content seems have become overused. What I like about Musk’s motivational ideas is their unique nature. There are some of them that worth reading. “If you need inspiring words, don’t do it’. Real business people don’t read motivational posts, they just don’t waste their time doing it. If you relying on external motivation to keep you moving, you sure you have chosen the right way?“If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.“Don’t afraid of taking risks if you are determined to do something you are passionate about. If you have nothing to risk, you have nothing to gain. The reward is the direct proportion to the risk.“You should take the approach that you’re wrong. Your goal is to be wrong.“Naturally, people avoid criticism because we were brought to avoid wrong. However, criticism shows you how you can improve and learn, while hearing “good job’ can breed contentment and lead you to complacency.

      3. Find 10 factual mistakes in this part of the text

      1. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Apple, is known for offering traditional incentives to motivate his employees. For example, he once offered a MacBook as a reward for meeting a challenging production goal at the Apple factory


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