Khan. Almaz Braev

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Khan - Almaz Braev

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people betrayed their homeland (such mutual contempt). However, you can’t throw the words out of the song. People are often overcome by nostalgia, and successful people are strongly remembered at home. What is broken cannot be glued together. This is not a sentimental foreplay. This is the clarification of the monster. A migrant never knows the word homeland, no matter how often he utters it in public and does not talk about it. Once betrayed, he will betray again. This is mutual hostility, invisible to the eyes of others. No one will ever see this struggle (just as no one will hear the thoughts of an orphan). It is only in the second generation that migrant children pronounce the word love. You can’t force migrant children back to return to the land of their fathers. From that moment on, democracy is born. That is, democracy is the homeland of all emigrant children, even though they have not yet been born until they know it. But when they are born, their parents try very hard to ensure they get a good homeland, that is, that the children have everything – and what is kindness? That is so that the children have property and land. There is no need for any other care. That’s how all the American Aborigines lost their lands.

      The Indians, in turn, could pronounce the word homeland, but not because all the owners’ peoples understood this word. The Indians did not have a homeland like the Europeans, but they had a territory where they hunted. They did not have time to call their homeland their homeland, so they had to have an «Asian despotism.» The one in the form of the rarest wild civilizations of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs, which was pilloried by the conquistadors and their descendants. In the civilizations of the Maya, Incas, and Aztecs, with one eye, everyone would see the causes of despotism. Despotisms, autocracies, and totalitarian systems are typical of the old homeland of migrants (that is, a world without democrats and their descendants). While migrant children are settling in, they are always democrats and bequeath democracy to the future (and then impose it on the whole world, by the way).

      Just like that, we playfully answer the greatest mystery of mankind – where Asian despotism and Western democracy come from.

      If you want a democratic system, migrate wherever you can, even to the moon. And there, download the rights to local lunatics. If you can’t move far away, then you are a backward person (at the moment, anyway). But all the nomads left on earth, or their descendants, want to build democracy according to European patterns. It’s like if all the Maya, Inca, Aymara, and Iroquois Indians are dressed in tailcoats – none of this will work. There is an inevitable evolutionary line (accumulation of skills, collection of experience) that cannot be jumped over (as one cannot jump over formations, although Marxist Bolsheviks tried to work miracles)

      No matter what the nomads build, what they do not declare, or do not glorify, there will still be nomadism, and there will still be autocracy. Of course, it will differ from the Asian wildness, from the «Asiatic» – according to the Europeanized, but it will still be the khan’s prerogative (if we mean the nomadic Turks, then the Kazakhs as well). Nomads do not understand the word homeland by idea. No, of course, according to textbooks, manuals, and the system, all descendants pronounce this word. But these are all words for the air. Millions of nomads can pronounce this word in the chorus but do not understand (in fact, they will breed corruption of unprecedented proportions). For the concept of homeland to float across the sky at this moment, it is not obliged to travel through the historical epochs of European peoples. The people of the owners who had property came up with this word. First, these people settled down and stopped wandering. Therefore, they divided the plots and put up family signs.

      However, what is done is done. The nomads had no experience signing land, but they could put tamga (mark) on the ears of cattle and sign new territories with the hooves of their cavalry. Modern nomads no longer need cavalry (the first cruise missile will bring their warlike fervor back to normal). The nomads gained knowledge. Yes, this is someone else’s knowledge. But this is knowledge. Knowledge allows you to control everything, even primitive instincts. First, to prevent nomads from fleeing to the steppe from responsibility (and today to run around the world for show-offs to show relatives: «I’m here in the USA and standing on the banks of the Thames in London!»).

      Even the new migration of nomads worldwide does not make them non-nomads. Although in America, in Europe, all Kazakhs shout, «We are for democracy!». They don’t even realize they’re crying. This is a manifestation of their selfishness (and complexes).

      Those who shout, «We are for democracy!» have received property in the first generation. They do not suspect themselves that they are calling, «We do not love our wild homeland of nomads» – the very place where the khan’s power should have taken place. But it did not occur, and the nomads are to blame. The current government declares a «desire for democracy,» but it still looks very much like an autocratic (uncultured, uncivilized) by European standards. And that’s right. This is our nomadic government. And do not run away from it in different directions, imitating white people. The white people have long since fled, which cannot be stopped. The end of the world has already been prepared for all nations.

      Let’s build from the material that we have. And immediately do without show-offs.

      It would be best if you started with work. We need to start with responsibility.

      Chapter 16

      Happy boors

      Why are there many fools and few smart ones?

      Because while an intelligent person thinks, fools multiply

      So, if you want fascism, force the provincials to flee

      The main principle of the right is hierarchy.

      The main principle of the left is equality.

      Throughout history, people have observed hierarchy, a conservative society that makes up a pyramid of estates. This has not always coincided with justice; in most cases, traditional society looks unfair. But this is an outside view. This is a migrant’s view. The guest will never understand the order in the house, but he can feel the discipline. Maybe a conservative society does not give so much freedom, and the guest will find the air stale and the downcast eyes of the household extinguished. However, discipline is needed to maintain order. Any shift to the left, towards freedom, violates order in every house. First of all, the order of inheritance, literal inheritance, when younger brothers beat up older ones to change the will, literally, when young revolutionaries overthrow old men with the banner of revolution in their hands. But this case is a crisis of conservative morality. Traditional society reproduces quickly; traditional families have many children, and any new invention of technology and officials will face a queue of mothers with hungry children in their arms. The worst answer would be: «You gave birth to them for yourself!» No, they gave birth to them for you! They gave birth to soldiers for you. The time of the long world creates a hidden mobilization; mobilization accelerates after every technical perfection, after every invention.

      And to fight with whom?

      From this moment, internal migration begins because beggars have nothing to bequeath to their children – heirs without inheritance «attack» cities. Beggars don’t have servants. The revolutionaries are mostly younger. If there are noble teachers for them, they do not follow the queue for ideological reasons. If there are bad guides and no teachers, many impudents turn into loud hypocrites. Even in a so-called democracy, rules are needed. Otherwise, crime will undermine everything (like it does the Latin American mafia; the mafia duplicates the conservative order everywhere). But, as you know, all the «newcomers» and «collective farmers» are orphans and democrats when they meet in the square, first with socialists,

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