Khan. Almaz Braev

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Khan - Almaz Braev

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(hierarchy and discipline are almost in their genes), they quickly get used to order.

      But even in the new column with banners, they feel good. They feel the discipline of their home.

      What kind of democracy is this? You are right, and this is not a democracy. Democracy gives millions of Zerefs hope. Who gets registered on the stock exchange, someone who already works at a factory, a company. Someone will be even more lucky – they even buy shares of their companies. At this moment, everyone, not only the visitors, is in a good mood. Prosperity is ahead (that’s what they think)

      But these people are vulnerable.

      The fascist trend around the world in the 20th century shows only one thing.

      The mess in society (country) begins when insignificant people climb up and do not follow the rules. As long as everything is good, as long as there is the first prosperity, they do keep the queue, and it is even profitable to keep the queue. Democracy is an extraordinary society. This is a society of happy boors. But when happiness ends, happy louts quickly turn into fascists. They hate the whole world. All fascists are internal migrants, disappointed at the end of the queue, gentle philistines. New crowds of visitors, looking at them, are also angry, but there is no previous freebie! You can’t live on robbery, theft, and corruption alone. But these are the habits of millions. When bright hopes are dashed, many people begin to draw swastikas on their bodies. There is a systemic queue violation.

      The anarchists themselves, who have despised the conservative queue, now want a different order. And they like it if provocateurs call them masters. You are the owners! That’s what they tell people about the gentle construction of civilized orphans. You are a superior race! So you are the owners of this territory. You can skip the queue. These people did not keep the queue at the first prosperity when they got a little rich (and some even a lot). They liked to live with the looting of the state by officials – the same upstarts. Now they are told you are the owners; who wouldn’t like it? Upstart officials can’t think of anything else. They will attempt. But they will turn out to be the mafia again. Hence, there is rapid nationalism, the combat flying squads, and field commanders.

      Do you know why warlords seized power in Libya after Muammar Gaddafi Khan?

      Because the Zerefs men lack organization, they are all nomadic anarchists. In such a conservative world devoid of order, order is restored. Nomadic anarchists love democracy, they like not to keep the queue when there is no father, when no one is watching. When there is a father, and there are relatives, there will be no democracy.

      Democracy is a time of immoralism. Now, I think you are convinced: people who are not adapted to live without order, who do not have the consciousness «this is mine, and this is yours,» love democracy, quickly turn into democrats. And then they are afraid of her. In a democracy, they like the first freebie, the first sip of freedom (all highlanders and nomads behave untied for the first time in the city). But they quickly gather in a bunch at the first danger. And again, they recognize the seniority.

      These are just the latest data, the latest facts of our days. Why is Europe the birthplace of old fascism? Because fascism is the quick order of all internal migrants. Europe was the first to lose its kinship. It was in Europe that everything got mixed up – the concept of a nation took place.

      Chapter 17

      Only a socialist Khan can

      The trouble is with your officials. They put my funds for modernization, wages, and solving environmental problems in their pockets. The greed of your compatriots killed the miners. Watching their behavior, I was always amazed. How can you hate your people so much?! As long as you have such leaders, the victims will multiply

      Lakshmi Mittal

      It is not surprising that such officials live according to the feudal principle of the Middle Ages – I will be the first, but I will never be the second. While there is an opportunity, you need to honor yourself with money. And people will respect me not for my principles and honesty but for my money and opportunities.

      Democracy is a state, a system, a regime, a society created by migrants.

      The more migrants there are, the more democracy there is. It’s a long migration. In this sense, Americans are out of competition. What else could people without roots who fled Europe have built?

      If there are half of the migrants and this half is active because of hunger and injustice, these are internal migrants. Thanks to internal migration due to modernization in the 20th century, Europeans gave the world such fresh ideologies of «short migration» – fascism and communism. If you want to look closer, you will find a solid landless peasantry among the migrants. At the very least, the provincials. And the leaders of the Communists and fascists are the children of provincial officials – this is the rule.

      Moreover, quite accurately, the Zeremids (short migrants) choose fascism if private property has been cultivated among the people for several centuries and communism if private owners, as people, were not in honor (like Russia). All the countries of Western Europe were ahead of the whole world in democracy and then the inevitable fascism. Right-wing autocratic regimes, not unlike dictatorships, have been established in all countries of Eastern Europe. But these were obviously conservative countries. England and France went through bourgeois revolutions; the populations mixed up with each other so much that the population had only one cult left: money (It turns out that England and France turned out to have an ornate path towards long migration. In addition, the conflict with Russia in the 21st century shows that Germany and France are more like American colonies. This is the result of their defeat in 1945 and the occupation of these countries. Due to the defeat in World War II, Japan was also occupied. Therefore, Japan also has a developed democracy, although the Japanese have not really mixed with their neighbors. This means that the cult of money can be controlled even by deeply traditional peoples if the people no longer have a traditional elite or it is represented purely symbolically).

      This means that countries and societies with strong traditions could avoid fascism, at least not march to the beat of drums in their squares.

      But what is needed for a modern democracy?

      When we know that democracy can be inspired not only by military bases and Soros funds but also by monetary funds can inspire democracy if the local people consist entirely of Philistines where the ancestral aristocracy does not represent the current elite. Suppose the current elite is recruited not for high morals, professionalism, or responsibility but for unscrupulousness. However, in the Asian tradition, silence, servility, and helpfulness were not called evil in any way. It’s just that many conservative nations have not cultivated a sufficient layer of intelligentsia. The intelligentsia, the children of the intelligentsia, have principles. For all others, the substitute for principles is either idealism or greed. Democracy panders to the very bottom in this sense. Democracy is a system of migrants. It creates migrants, literal and mental, who in their hearts want to migrate. In this sense, the lowest try to trade anything just to get into the stream of democracy – to migrate, to leave the village where everyone saw them as poor. They get into the stream so that they get rich unscrupulously, brazenly, and cruelly. Unscrupulously, greedily, cruelly profiting from his people.

      Who are their officials?

      Asians or intellectuals?

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