Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels. Oleg Chekrygin

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Jesus’ Teachings about the Father. Reconstruction of early Christian teaching based on a comparative analysis of the oldest gospels - Oleg Chekrygin

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life – otherwise he would not be so indignant, as further described.

      “15 And making a whip of cords, he drove out of the temple all, also the sheep and the oxen; and he scattered the money of the money changers, and overturned their tables.16 And he said to those who sold doves: Take this from here and do not make my Father’s house a house of commerce”– and here is a direct forgery and substitution of the Heavenly Father of Jesus by the Jewish ancestral god Jehovah: if the Jerusalem temple is house of the Father of Jesus, it is clear that God Himself, the Heavenly Father is Jehovah, and who else? After all, the temple is his, dedicated to him and built by the Jews in time immemorial. This is how propaganda of Judaism works in the New Testament: the more monstrous the lie, the easier it is to believe in it.

      Now let’s imagine the described scene. Someone, a beggar, an unknown stranger, an obvious provincial, and a Galilean by the dialect, a despicable pagan, whose speech gives him away (and so far he is just that, an unknown poor man, a vagabonf from a remote province in a foreign city, in the capital of a foreign country) appeared to Jerusalem, where he has never been before, does not know anyone, and no one knows him – he shows up from the street to the Temple and begins to misbehave there, engage in hooliganism and establish his own order? The temple guards simply would not let the Gentiles even enter the gates, biasedly figuring out who, where, and why – it was the main state national shrine, after all. No one would have let Jesus even on the doorstep. And if he dared to make a row, he would simply be killed for blasphemy, or thrown into a dungeon to find out, under torture, what he had in mind.

      It is another matter when, at the end of his sermon and earthly life, He appeared in Jerusalem in glory, and the people greeted him as King and God – then he could decide on such a thing with the support of the popular crowds. But now, when no one has even heard of Him, this is pure suicide, the delirium of a madman.

      “17 And His disciples remembered that it is written,” Zeal for your house is eating me up.”

      And, of course, the disciples, who, it turns out, also ended up here by magic, the illiterate Galilean fishermen and gardeners, the Manda religion followers, not Jewish faith, all of a sudden – wow! – they remembered a saying from Psalms 68.10, which they apparently learned by heart. For how many years I have hollowed out this psalter both at divine services, and read over the dead, and just prayed for it at home – and then, after reading it, I did not remember where it came from, and I had to go into Google to remind myself.

      “18 To this the Jews said: by what sign will you prove to us that you have the authority to do this? 19 Jesus answered and said to them: Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up in three days. 20 The Jews said to this: This temple was built for forty-six years and in three days will you raise it up? 21 And he spoke of the temple of his body.”

      Well, surely a suicide – he blasphemes openly, in the Temple, right in the middle of a crowd of believing fanatics, mocks the Jewish faith and the Temple, and even provokes the idea of being killed – to prove and show you all. And the Jews – not a word in response, as if it was business as usual.

      “22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus said” – the scripture they believed, the great scholars of Scripture from Galilee. And what does the Scripture say about this? You will laugh – NOTHING! You can check for yourself the parallel passages of the Old Testament, which the interpretation of this verse refers to: only two verses, one from Psalms 15.8: “I have always seen the Lord before me, for He is at my right hand; I will not hesitate”; another from Isaiah 55.3: “Incline your ear and come to Me: listen, and your soul will live, and I will give you an everlasting covenant, unchanging mercies promised to David” – and what do these words have to do with Jesus promising to either build a new temple in three days, or to resurrect Himself? In my opinion, none. The trick, by the way, is typical, in other gospels we find it more than once – to refer to Scripture, the reader will still not be able to check. Google did not exist then, and Scripture was not sold in newspaper stalls – and who would go ahead and browse it all in search of the necessary link.

      “23 And when He was in Jerusalem on the feast of Passover, many, seeing the miracles that He performed, believed in His name” – oh, the author suddenly remembered and realized that Jesus was still an unknown beggar, a vagabond, and decided to add His fame and glory immediately, without leaving Jerusalem – He, it turns out, is a well-known miracle worker, and in the temple he did not just misbehave, but acted as one who has authority – look how many people, whole Jerusalem with was persuaded by His MIRACLES (I don’t know what miracles, the false “evangelist” does not bother to clarify the details) and converted into faith into Him, either the Son of God, or the Messiah expected by the Jews – go and figure it out into whom they suddenly believed, the author of this whole mixture is modestly silent about it this time, just in case.

      “24 But Jesus Himself did not entrust Himself to them, because He knew everyone25 and did not need anyone to testify about a man, for He Himself knew what was in a man” – and here is a belated explanation for you why Jesus did not lose his head in the temple, right there and then. It turns out that He Himself knew to whom he could be fearlessly rude, and who could be trolled without consequences for Himself – such a trick, and foresight was given to Him from God solely in order to mock people with impunity.

      In general, when you begin to gaze intently at the “sacred” texts and fearlessly ask questions that are inconvenient for believers, clumsy insertions, absurdities and rude interference into the text by editing with scissors and glue creep out in their shameless nakedness and propaganda stupidity. It’s obvious – isn’t it?

      This ends the second chapter of the Gospel of John, completely unexpectedly and indistinctly. And for the reader who is not engaged in the ideologue of “correct faith”, it becomes clear that the second part of the second chapter is sowed to the first part, which ended with the miracle in Cana of Galilee, not only with white threads (in other words, too obviously), but worse than that – with coarse rope of shameless propaganda. The absurdity of this shameless intrusion into the text is too obvious to take on faith all this fantasy of deceitful Jewish enthusiasm.

      So, we select from the second chapter:

      1 On the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee, and the Mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus was also invited. 3 And as there was a lack of wine, the mother of Jesus said to him: they have no wine. 4 Jesus said to her: what is to me and you, wife? My hour has not yet come. 5 His mother said to the attendants, Whatever He says to you, do it. 6 And there were six stone waterpots, which stood according to the custom of cleansing, and contained two or three measures. 7 Jesus says to them: Fill the vessels with water. And they filled them to the top. 8 And he saith unto them, Draw now, and take it to the chief of the feast. And they carried it. 9 When the steward had tasted the water that had become wine – and he did not know where the wine came from, only the servants who drew the water knew – then the steward calls the bridegroom10 and says to him: every man serves good wine first, and when they get drunk, then the worst; and you have kept good wine until now. 11 So Jesus started miracles in Cana of Galilee and showed His glory; and his disciples believed in him. “Period. The rest of the second chapter – to the dump, to the dustbin of the history of propaganda and manipulation.

      John, Chapter 3

      The next, third, chapter of ev. John begins with a very important episode in terms of comprehending the Teachings of Jesus: a conversation with Nicodemus about the Birth

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