Когда падали стены… Переустройство мира после 1989 года. Кристина Шпор

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Когда падали стены… Переустройство мира после 1989 года - Кристина Шпор

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Beij ing’.


      Vogel. Deng Xiaoping. Pp. 648–652; David M. Lampton. Same Bed, Different Dreams. Univ. of California Press, 2002. Pp. 21–22; Engel. When the World Seemed New. Pp. 175–181. См. также: Bush & Scowcroft. A World Transformed. Pp. 98–103; GHWBPL NSC – SitRoom TSCF China (OA/ID CF01722-011) Am. embassy Beij ing to Baker Cable – Subj: Chaos in China 4.6.1989 pp. 1–5. See also JAB-SML B108/F6 RBZ draft 5.6.1989 – Response to PRC events pp. 1–2.


      Письмо Буша Дэну от 29.6.1989. Опубликовано в: Bush. All the Best. Pp. 428–431.


      GHWBPL Scowcroft – Special Separate China Notes Files – China Files (hereafter SSCNF-CF) China 1989 (sensitive) (OA/ID 91136-001) Handwritten notes on the flight 30 June – 1 July 1989. Ср.: Bush & Scowcroft. A World Transformed. Pp. 105–106


      GHWBPL Scowcroft SSCNF-CF China 1989 (sensitive) (OA/ID 91136-001) Memcon of Deng–Scowcroft talks 2.7.1989 Beijing pp. 1–14.


      Ibid. pp. 1–3.


      Ibid. p. 4.


      Ibid. pp. 7–9.


      Ibid. pp. 10–12.


      Ibid. pp. 13–14.


      Bush & Scowcroft. A World Transformed. P. 110.


      Bush. All the Best. P. 431.


      См.: Richard Baum. Burying Mao: Chinese Politics in the Age of Deng Xiaoping. Princeton UP, 1996. Pp. 18–20.


      См. выдержки из записи переговоров между Михаилом Горбачевым и Радживом Ганди 15.7.1989 AGF DAWC, А также: Горбачев. Собр. соч. Т. 15. С. 257, 262–264.


      Заметка Владимира Лукина относительно советско-китайских отношений: 22.8.1989 GARF f. 10026 op. 4 d. 2870 l. 75-78 DAWC.


      John Tagliabue ‘Poland Flirts with Pluralism Today’ NYT 4.6.1989.


      О польских «полу-конкурентных выборах» см.: Marjorie Castle. Triggering Communism’s Collapse: Perceptions and Power in Poland’s Transition Rowman & Littlefield, 2003. Ch. 6. См. также: Tagliabue ‘Poland’ NYT 4.6.1989.


      Timothy Garton Ash. ‘Revolution in Poland and Hungary’ London Review of Books (hereafter LRB) 17.8.1989. Ср. idem: The Magic Lantern. Pp. 25–46, особенно p. 32.


      Kristof. ‘Troops Attack and Crush Beij ing Protest’.


      John Daniszewski. ‘Communist Party Declares Solidarity Landslide Winner’. AP 5.6.1989; John Tagliabue. ‘Stunning Vote Casts Poles into Uncharted Waters’ NYT 6.6. 1989.


      Garton Ash. The Magic Lantern P. 32.


      Tyler Marshall ‘Russian Troops Remain in Ex-Satellite States – Military: Of an estimated 600,000 in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s, only about 113,000 haven’t gone home’ LAT 1.4.1993.


      Andrei Grachev Gorbachev’s Gamble: Soviet Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War Polity 2008 P. 172.


      Ibid. pp. 171–172.


      См.: Geir Lundestad ‘Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe 1945–52’. Journal of Peace Research 23, 3 (1986). Pp. 263–277; idem ‘”Empire by Invitation” in the American Century’. Diplomatic History 23, 2 (Spring 1999). Pp. 189–217; idem, Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945–1997 Oxford UP, 1997; and John Lewis Gaddis. We Now Know. Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp. 284–286.


      К числу полезных обзорных работ относятся: Geoffrey Swain & Nigel Swain. Eastern Europe since 1945. Macmillan, 1993; Judy Batt. East Central Europe from Reform to Transformation Pinter 1991.


      О прогнозах специалистов в области международных отношений или, скорее, об отсутствии у них таковых см.: George Lawson et al. (eds) The Global 1989: Continuity and Change in World Politics Cambridge UP, 2010, introduction esp. p. 4; или Michael Cox ‘Why Did We Get the End of the Cold War Wrong?’ The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 11, 2 (2009) pp. 161–176; John Lewis Gaddis. ‘International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War’. International Security 17, 3 (1992-3) pp. 5–58. О том, каковы были аналитические выводы ЦРУ, см., например: Gerald K. Haines & Robert E. Leggett (eds). CIA’s Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947–1991. Ross & Perry, 2001; Benjamin B. Fischer & Gerald K. Haines (eds). At Cold War’s End: US Intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, 1989–1991 Ross &

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