Основы реферирования и аннотирования научной английской литературы. Часть 1. Коллектив авторов

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Основы реферирования и аннотирования научной английской литературы. Часть 1 - Коллектив авторов

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of the medieval knight and, along with hunting and hawking, his favourite pastime. At the tilt, in which mounted knights with lances tried to unhorse one another, the knight was practicing the art of war, his raison d'être. He displayed his prowess before lords, ladies, and commoners and profited not only from valuable prizes but also from ransoms exacted from the losers. Between the 12th and the 16th centuries, the dangerously wild free-for-all of the early tournament evolved into dramatic presentations of courtly life in which elaborate pageantry and allegorical display quite overshadowed the frequently inept jousts. Some danger remained even amid the display. At one of the last great tournaments, in 1559, Henry II of France was mortally wounded by a lance blow.

      Peasant women participated freely in the ball games and footraces of medieval times, and aristocratic ladies hunted and kept falcons, but middle-class women contented themselves with spectatorship. Even so, they were more active than their contemporaries in Heian Japan during the 8th to the 12th century. Encumbered by many-layered robes and sequestered in their homes, the Japanese ladies were unable to do more than peep from behind their screens at the courtiers' mounted archery contests.

      Deeper. By Thomas Dekker.

      The Latin words «Citius, Altius, Fortius» have been used as the Olympic motto since the Modern Olympics started in 1894. In English, we translate that motto into «Swifter, Higher, Stronger». Now, with the possibility of adding «Extreme Sports», popular competitive events that test the limits of human endurance and talents in ways not thought of in 1894, the current Olympic’s organizers may also have to rethink their motto.

      Extreme Free Diving (EFD) is a sport that is growing in participants worldwide and is being discussed as a possible Olympic event. If accepted into the Olympics, EFD could make the Olympic’s organizers think about adding a new Latin term into the motto that we could translate as «Deeper».

      Most of us think of deep water diving as the use of snorkels, masks, and fins to help us dive down beneath the surface of the water. Then there is scuba diving. Scuba divers wear wet suits made out of material to protect against the cold; they need oxygen and other equipment that enable them to safely breathe while traveling deep beneath the surface of the sea. For those with the courage and opportunity to attend the required classes and certification process to scuba dive and have actually entered the deep and swum with the fish and coral, scuba diving is an extremely gratifying experience. But is it the ultimate underwater extreme sport for those who like to live on the edge? When scuba diving is compared to Extreme Diving, diving without a tank of oxygen deeper and farther from the surface than anyone had imagined it would be possible to go, scuba diving seems a little less «Extreme». Extreme Free Diving has become very competitive and is exploding in popularity with «extreme» divers wherever athletes live near a sea.

      The first official European record for Extreme Free Diving was recorded in 1911 when Greek Yorgos Haggi Statti descended to the depth of 253 feet, almost the length of a football field. He dove without a mask, fins, or an oxygen tank. He just dove. His record stood for many years until the modern «professional» EFDs began to dive even deeper.

      Today, EFDs sink to depths approaching 400 feet, using weights to help them descend vertically into the big blue depths of cold and darkness that surround the earth. Free divers like Italian Umberto

      Pelizzari and Cuban Pipin Ferreras frequently break world records by diving without the use of wet suits, fins, or oxygen tanks. Extreme Free Diving is truly a breathtaking sport. One day adding the word «Deeper» to the Olympic motto of «Swifter, Higher, Stronger» looks like a sure bet. The legendary Yorgos Haggi Statti would wipe water from his eyes, smile, and nod in approval.

      Effective Teaching Techniques. By John Fletcher.

      The most consistently identified teacher effectiveness variable is time on task. That is, the more time that students spend learning specific academic content, the better they will learn it. Distinction is made between allocated time on task (the time that teachers allocate to particular instructional activities) and engaged time on task (the time that students actually spend engaged in instruction). Although no consistent relation has been seen between allocated time on task and academic achievement, research has demonstrated that engaged time on task is positively related to academic achievement.

      Strategies for maximizing engaged time on task have been identified and include effectively managing transitions, avoiding digressions and other irrelevant verbalizations, and managing classroom behavior. Sometimes, teachers can improve studentengaged time on task by examining the amount of allocated time for class and monitoring their own teacher behaviors more closely. For example, teachers may find that they start classes 5 minutes late, end classes 5 minutes early, stop during the middle of class to search for relevant instructional materials, and stop to manage inappropriate classroom behaviors. Once such target areas are identified, teachers can design strategies to improve each area that will result in increasing the amount of student-engaged time on task during classes.

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