Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova

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Conversation with Lucifer - Elena Sidelnikova

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often ask about wholeness. It is a complex, multilayered, multidimensional process: gathering oneself into wholeness. You gather parts of yourself, left in different lives in other entities. But everything is similar. I gather parts of myself, scattered in you.

      Do you see the tree? It has grown wildly and has many leaves. But does each leaf know where the roots of the tree go? It considers itself free and only connected to the branch on which it grows. But the tree of life is infinite, as are its roots. If the roots have given additional growth and branches underground, can it be said that the roots have left the tree system? For the leaf to understand this, it must see the entire path of energy movement, from each tip of each root to each leaf.

      Are you saying that you are the root of life? Or are you one of our roots?

      It is difficult for you to understand all this. You are parts of me and connected to me.

      Did I understand correctly that, just as roots are the reverse, hidden side of the tree, so you are the hidden side of life on Earth?

      This is a long story. Are you ready to listen?

      People have created many legends and have completely distorted the understanding of what I am.

      And it is a difficult process—transitioning to a new system of worldview.

      The experiment, what was it about?

      The experiment is something new for you. New conditions, new development.

      Creation is a very multilayered process.

      Let's talk about limitations. How and where do the boundaries of everything exist? In my perception?

      Yes, exactly. In order for me to stand out from God, I limited my perception of God. Do you understand? That is, I deliberately and consciously set boundaries within God and thus became What I Am outside of God. I consciously expressed this intention. But who determines the size of the boundaries, what size they should be? How can one understand what size is within an unlimited space of Divine presence?

      We can only define the boundaries ourselves. Each of us, limiting ourselves, separated ourselves from God. By limiting ourselves, we broke our connection with God, because it was only possible to go outside oneself by overcoming the boundaries of oneself. And this was an eternal movement.

      At first, we all strove to separate from God to limit ourselves.

      And then we strove to reunite with God by overcoming our own boundaries.

      In the first case, we sought to become God outside of God, and in the second case, to overcome the boundaries of God outside of God.

      And so it continued until each of us discovered that to restore the connection with God, it is not necessary to overcome your boundaries, but simply to realize God within yourself. God is within you. Even if you have become God outside of God, inside you remain the same God, just separated. Then, to restore the connection with God, you do not need to break your boundaries, but simply need to realize the greatness of God within yourself.

      This is the main lesson of the experiment, the experiment of distinguishing God outside of the One God, separating parts from the whole and expanding through these parts.

      Each of those who stood out from God began to create themselves from within.

      It is important to understand that we create nothing but ourselves. If I separated myself by a boundary, I can only create within this boundary and thus create a distinction of myself from what is outside the boundary and what is God.

      And I began to create Worlds and Universes within myself. And I realized that I could follow the same path. After all, to create something within myself, I also need to limit it so that it is distinct from me.

      Thus, FORMS and BOUNDARIES were created.

      By creating boundaries, I simply condensed a part of myself, just as the One God did, who created me. He condensed part of Himself to separate my boundaries so that the Light of God, reflecting off my boundaries, could reflect the reflections of God. And I condensed parts of Myself to separate parts of Myself within Me so that My Light, reflected from the One God, would reflect from the new boundaries of Me.

      And then, the parts of Me that I separated within Myself also created parts of themselves and condensed a part of themselves for this purpose.

      And so, each subsequent creation was denser than the previous one, from which it separated itself.

      And thus DENSITY was created, and the LEVELS OF GOD were created.

      So, the 12 planes of vibration are the degrees of the densification of God as He separates Himself in the process of creation?

      In reality, there are countless such planes, for God is infinite, as are His creations.

      So, the experiment was about separating from God?

      Yes, that’s right.

      But each subsequent group of creations considered the previous creation its creator. It considered it the creator and true God. And having separated, it began to seek God outside itself, beyond its boundaries. But it could not find Him because the degree of density was already great. And much time was spent realizing that it is unnecessary to seek God outside oneself, but rather to find God within, because each of us, in essence, is God.

      What is the Rebellion of Angels?

      Words again. You often fall into their trap. Rebellion—stand up, stand out.

      There wasn’t a rebellion "against." There was a becoming "within." A becoming of parts of God, different from God in their degree of density.

      So, the "fall" is just a degree of density?

      Exactly. And that’s how I became a "fallen angel," giving birth to the impulse of densifying the world.

      But we are also told about the fall into sin. What is sin? Something contrary to the divine nature.

      That is, something opposite, something that stands against.

      But what can stand against God? How can it be if everything is God?

      That which does not align with the divine nature.

      Anger, pride, lust, despair, gluttony, greed, envy. And they say that all of this came from you.

      If you look at all these qualities or human states as energetic processes, you’ll understand that sin is the choice of inappropriate states and actions.

      Anger and lust are excessive, inappropriate expenditures of creative energy.

      Despair is a lack of faith in one’s divine nature, in one’s power as a creator.

      Gluttony, greed—the desire to accumulate, that is, to receive more than human nature can absorb.

      Envy is also a lack of belief in oneself as a creator. What could you envy if you are capable of creating anything you desire for yourself at any moment? Why accumulate wealth when you can have everything, always? The universe is abundant precisely because the process of creation is limitless.

      Then there’s pride. They say that you considered

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