Conversation with Lucifer. Book III. Elena Sidelnikova

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Conversation with Lucifer. Book III - Elena Sidelnikova

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First Creator. Only He has the right to cancel or veto any of His thought-forms, to repeal the law. No one else is granted this right.

      But, as in your world, there are many individuals who violate the law, bypass the law. And accordingly, a large number of services are created to monitor the enforcement of the law, and a system of punishment is established for those who violate the law. And all this is in motion and development.

      So, in this analogy, there arise forces and directions that begin to criticize the law, accuse those who created it, fight against it, demand its repeal, and call for the punishment of those who enforce it. Everything is similar.

      The decision to annihilate me can only be made by the First Creator. But to do so would require annihilating all of humanity and many other civilizations. Yet, many parts of me, many of my "grapes," still realize their unity and strive toward the Father's Light. What should be done with them? Should healthy cells be removed just in case, along with diseased organs, as you do? So far, the Father has not given permission or the right to do so.

      Perhaps the Father is simply dreaming and doesn't care about humanity?

      This is a divided Concept and Thought. Watch your thoughts, for they create Space and Vectors of Aspiration.

      The Father dreams constantly. But this can be compared to the unified organism of the Father. Perhaps you are lost in the clouds and do not know that one of your organs has become ill. But can it be said that you don't care about that organ? And when that organ begins to ache, can you continue dreaming and ignore it? You can ask Him yourself.

      I was told that humanity has been practically isolated in the Lower Density Levels until it heals from the virus of separation. But it turns out that the entire Universe is built on the principle of separation.

      The entire Universe is indeed built on such a principle, otherwise there would be no Levels and Entities inhabiting them. There would only be one Father. But the lower Levels are built not only on the Principle of Separation but also on the Principle of Opposition of these parts, which is not necessary when realizing the Principle of Separation.

      If all the colors of the rainbow are different, do they fight among themselves for the right to be called the best and most beautiful color? Who can say which color is better? They are simply different and create all the diversity of white light.

      Humanity is at the intersection of Light and Darkness, separation and merging. But isn't there also an anti-world, which is completely dark and completely separated from the Father? What about it? Won't it be destroyed? Doesn't it hinder the development of the Universe?

      Does red hinder green?

      No. But black probably does; it darkens it.

      If there is no opposition, then nothing darkens anything. Red, green—this is the familiar spectrum palette of white light. Black also has a palette of decomposition into colors of the Anti-Universe. First, directions were distinguished: white and black light, one might say, Universe and Anti-Universe. Then each split into its spectrums of reflections, into its parts and Levels, into its structures within the Hierarchy. And if there are certain structures-Levels in the light part of the Universe, in the World, then, as you understand, there are mirror reflections of these parts in the dark part of the Universe, in the Anti-World. Like two sides of a coin, balancing on the scales. If the world is divided into two poles, white and black, World and Anti-World, then the balance of the entire System requires the presence of all balancing components, otherwise, the "scales" will begin to tilt to one side and balance will be lost.

      I think I understand. As long as the balance was not disturbed, we apparently did not even know about the existence of the Anti-World. It was the otherworldly realm, the world of the other side of the coin or the white light, our pole of the Universe. But why did Darkness begin to seep from the Anti-World into the World, into the light part of the Universe? And so, the light part of the Universe is trying to restore balance. But by destroying the Anti-World, the System of Separation, as an Experiment, as a thought-form of the Creator, will be destroyed at once. Did I understand correctly?

      You grasp the essence quickly. Yes, that is correct.

      But why did elements of Darkness seep into our world and disrupt its balance? How did these elements of Darkness then penetrate every human being? Is this the same story with Adam and Eve?

      It's a long story, and there are many testimonies in your writings and in your legends. The boundary between worlds is thin. And part of the Essences from the other side, who possessed the quality you call curiosity to the highest degree, tried to penetrate the membrane between worlds, and they succeeded. Having entered the Light side of the Universe, they began to create within it, according to the laws of the Freedom of Creation, as they saw fit and in their own likeness. And they partially embedded themselves in the gene-light codes of the genesis of many races, including humanity.

      And this too was sanctioned, because it created a Great Precedent. Not just to create two different worlds, dark and light, two poles, but to divide all existence into these two poles so that in each, these two poles would be present but in balance. And this was achieved.

      But in some civilizations, the balance was disrupted, the Dark side began to prevail and push back the Light. And this virus spread through all the lower layers of density, and therefore they were isolated behind the Veil.

      So, starting from the 4th level and above, the Essences that separated as a result of the Experiment of Division do not contact the Darkness and do not possess a Dark side? And the lower three Levels of density are infected by the virus of the Dark side's penetration into the Light?

      Yes, more or less.

      What is the solution?

      Each of you must decide which side you choose. Dark or Light. And accordingly, you will either be directed to the Anti-world or remain in the World. And it is necessary to restore the balance of the World, that is, the White side. This is what the White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters call for. This is also what most of the prophets, who have descended and continue to descend into your World, are telling you.

      But, as long as a person cannot decide, they…

      They continue to exist in suffering. When their Light side suffers from the Dark, and their Dark side suffers from the Light.

      Are you saying that there is no suffering in the Anti-world?

      This is hard to understand. But in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And what is suffering for you is joy and pleasure there.

      Why would anyone want a world where suffering is pleasure?

      You are judging from the perspective of your perception, and that’s why you can’t understand it. For example, the parameters of your physical body are tuned to a certain temperature range for sustaining life. You suffer from the cold. You feel cold, pain, and so on. But imagine that the parameters of your physical body were tuned to very low sub-zero temperatures. You would suffer from the heat just as you now suffer from the cold. These are neutral categories. Just different temperatures.

      By the way, the temperature range in which your physical bodies can survive, around zero from plus to minus, indicates that you are between worlds. And the range of temperatures is significant. Your body, more or less, can exist from minus five to plus thirty. If zero is taken as the boundary between the World and the Anti-world, you will understand what percentage of you is in the Anti-world. This is very telling.


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