We study English. Т. Е. Овчинникова

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We study English - Т. Е. Овчинникова

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/ Marxist feminism / ecofeminism.

       6) feminization of poverty - a social process in which the incidence of poverty among women becomes much higher than among men. Changes in social policy, the structure of the family and the workplace, life expectancy have had the unintended result of increasing the female proportion of the population in poverty.

       7) identity , gender identity especially in relation to society or culture: the internal sense or condition of being either male or female sex.

      8) maleness, masculinity – the properties characteristic of the male sex; androgyny, bisexuality, hermaphroditism – the properties showing characteristics of both sexes; femaleness, feminineness – the properties characteristic of the female sex;

      9) patriarchy literally ‗rule by the father‘ but more generally it refers to a social situation where men are dominant over women in wealth, status and power. Patriarchy is associated with a set of ideas, that acts to explain and justify this dominance and attributes it to inherent natural differences between men and women.

      Sociologists tend to see patriarchy as a social product and not as an outcome of innate differences between the sexes;

      10) sex – the properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive roles

      11) sexism – actions or attitudes that discriminate against people based solely on their gender. Sexism is linked to power in that those with power are typically treated with favour and those without power are typically discriminated against. Sexism is also related to stereotypes since the discriminatory actions or attitudes are frequently based on false beliefs or over generalizations about gender and on seeing gender as relevant when it is not.

       12) sexual dimorphism (masculinity, androgyny, femaleness) – differences between males and females in size and appearance. Sexual dimorphism in humans is greater than in some animals and less than in many. Evolutionary psychologists and biologists are intrigued to understand the function of sexual dimorphism.

      13) sexual division of labour – the allocation of work task, either in the private household or in the public economy, on the basis of the sex of the person. Women may cook the meals and men wash the dishes, or women may perform caring roles such as nursing or social work in the public economy, while men perform the tasks of driving trucks, fighting fires. Most societies have had some division of labour by sex. But the division of labour between the sexes is chiefly gendered: it is based on cultural practices rather than any inherent suitability of either sex to perform specific roles.

      Lexicon used in the tasks: abstract – a condensed version of a piece of writing, speech; summary to abstract – make a shortened form of a statement, speech to cover/ discuss a point – обсуждать вопрос point out; at, to – отмечать, подчеркивать; a point – пункт, вопрос summary / synopsis (-ses ) – brief account giving the main points of something; а short statement that gives the main idea \ the gist and facts from the text

      Russian equivalents to English phrases used in the tasks:

      write a brief account giving the main points of the text – передайте в краткой форме основное содержание тектста; reproduce the message of the text – изложите основную идею текста; make an outline of the events– составьте план содержания текста; use а dictionary or Google’s search field or any other search engine for translating– для перевода используйте словарь, «Гугл» или любую другую поисковую систему в Интернете; write down some questions you would like to ask the group about the text; share your questions with the group mates / dramatize the dialogue / test each other/ interview other students) – задать вопросы студентам вашей группы; fill in a questionnaire / complete a form – заполнить анкету; exchange / share information, opinions, experiences – обмениваться мнениями, информацией, опытом

      2.2 Тренинг личностных стратегий изучения иностранного языка

      Учебные стратегии работы с иноязычным текстом:

      – использую сопровождающие текст рисунки и фотографии, диаграммы и графики, делаю рисунки к тексту самостоятельно;

      – обращаю внимание на шрифт (часто для предварительного понимания темы текста);

      – использую фоновые знания, нахожу значения слова по контексту;

      – дешифрую заголовки; строю гипотезы о предполагаемом содержании текста; предвосхищаю развитие темы, продолжения, завершения событий;

      – веду записи по мере извлечения информации из текста;

      – использую знание родного языка для объяснения похожих явлений в иностранном языке;

      – нахожу значения новых слов по формальным (словообразовательные модели, общность корня) и семантическим (синонимы, антонимы и пр.) признакам;

      – распознаю синтаксические структуры, прогнозирую слова и фразы, использую навыки «грамматики» чтения, т. е. распознаю значения и роли коннекторов в тексте, сложносочиненных и сложноподчиненных предложениях; определяю логическую / хронологическую последовательность фактов, выявляю причинно-следственные отношения;

      – выделяю ключевые слова;

      – структурирую текст посредством составления плана;

      – использую

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