Participle, Gerund and Infinitive. Е. В. Турлова

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Participle, Gerund and Infinitive - Е. В. Турлова

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were people … 6. He caught sight of a girl… 7. He received a telegram … 8. Don't be very noisy, you'll wake up the child …

      B. a) of time:

      1. He wrote the letter… 2. When… I visited all the museums there. 3. While … you must be very attentive. 4… I realize that it was wrong. 5… I met a friend of mine.

      b) of cause:

      1. He kept silence … 2. He found the hotel without difficulty … 3. She didn't return with us … 4. He wasn't listening … 5… they rang again.

      c) of manner or attending circumstances:

      1. She walked down the hill … 2. He went out quickly … 3. He laughed embarrassed … 4. He stood there … 5. He leant on the windowsill…

      d) of comparison:

      1. He flung himself his arms round his granny's neck as if … 2. He looked round as if … 3. He raised his head as if … 4. He looked at her with entreaty as though…

      e) of concession and condition:

      1. Though … I could not help smiling. 2. Though … will be there in time. 3. Though … she tried to look calm. 4… you'll catch up with the group.

      С. 1. I… you are the last person I expected to see here. 2… we have only his word for it. 3… it is not at all unusual. 4… it was a horrifying thing to happen.

      Exercise 3. Read the following sentences and analyze complex objects with participle I.

      1. I overheard Dale saying something about it. 2. Then she heard the stranger laughing quietly, and his footsteps came across the room. 3. He found her watering some plants; her face expressed her surprise at his unusual presence. 4. At his home, he let himself in, and to his surprise, found his wife coming towards him in the hall. 5. They could hear the Invisible Man breathing. 6. Mike saw him standing in the doorway. 7. Then her charming lace grew eager and glancing round Young Jolyon saw Bosinney striding across the grass. 8. She found herself waking from sleep and crying, but what she was weeping for she had no idea at all. 9. I saw him walking briskly through the crowd … 10. She could hear Bart moving about outside, whistling as he worked.

      Exercise 4. Read and translate the following sentences. Speak on the verbs after which complex objects with participle I are used.

      1. He noticed a girl standing listlessly by a pillar and he slowed his pace. 2. I thought I saw something moving along the track. 3. But he found his traps waiting for him in the porter's lodge. 4. I opened the door with extreme reluctance and found Morton standing outside. 5. The four soldiers noticed Christian watching them. 6. She ran up the drive … and I heard her fumbling for the key. 7. From where she stood she could hear everything going on at once. 8. I heard the guards moving behind us. 9… their ears spread wide to hear the first noise that would send them rushing into the bush. 10. It set him thinking.

      Exercise 5. Transform the following sentences into sentences with complex objects with participle I.

      Model: I could see that Dave was still standing in the doorway. – I could see Dave standing in the doorway.

      1. As Nick came up to Toby he turned and saw that Michael was watching them from the other side. 2. He found that the old man was still sitting grim in the darkness. 3. He could see that a man was standing on the pavement. 4. When he opened the window he heard how the birds were singing in the garden. 5. In a minute or two I noticed that her eyes were stealthily peeping at me over the top of the book. 6. I could feel that the room was rocking under my feet. 7. I noticed that now his eyes were resting on me with a faint smile of amusement.

      2.5 Syntactic functions of Participle II

      Participle II has the following functions in the sentence:

      1) an attribute:

      • Look at that broken cup. Посмотрите на разбитую чашку.

      • Look at the cup broken by you. Посмотрите на чашку, разбитую Вами;

      2) the predicative:

      • Не felt disappointed. Он чувствовал себя разочарованным;

      3) an adverbial modifier:

      a) of time:

      • When asked he always helped me.

      Он всегда помогал мне, когда я его просил;

      b) of cause:

      • Occupied by his thoughts he didn't hear my question. Занятый своими мыслями, он не слышал моего вопроса;

      c) of condition (usually with the conjunction if or unless):

      • If asked he always helped me.

      d) of concession (usually with the conjunction though):

      • Though occupied by his thoughts, he willingly answered my question.

      e) of comparison:

      • Не looked at me, as if bewildered by my question. Он посмотрел на меня так, как будто был очень удивлен моим вопросом;

      4) a part of the complex object:

      The complex object consists of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and participle II. The complex object with participle II is used after:

      – verbs with a causative meaning (to have, to get, to make) denoting that something is done or made for the benefit of the person expressed by the subject:

      • I had my hair cut. Я постриглась. (Меня постригли)

      Negative and interrogative sentences are formed with the help of the auxiliary verb do.

      • When did you have your hair cut?

      Когда вы постриглись?

      – the verb of sense perception (to see, to hear, to feel, to find):

      • When I returned I found her gone.

      Когда я вернулся, я обнаружил, что она ушла;

      – the verbs denoting wish (to wish, to like, to want, to prefer):

      • I want the letter posted at once.

      Я хочу, чтобы письмо отослали почтой немедленно.

      Table 5 – Syntactic functions of Participle II

      Exercise 1. Read and translate the following

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