Participle, Gerund and Infinitive. Е. В. Турлова

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Participle, Gerund and Infinitive - Е. В. Турлова

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This speech was received with great applause, mixed with the cries of: "That's the talk!" 2. Mr. Wren, startled, dropped his hat. 3. Rosie looked round with delight at the great dark smoky house, crowded to the ceiling with the inhabitants of South London. 4. Carried away by the melody, Marie went so far as to dance a step or two herself. 5. "Let's skate again," she said, "shall we? With crossed hands." 6. He seemed calmed and at peace. 7. I took her hands in mine: she held my sprained wrist gently. 8. These two people seem extraordinary interested in Mon Repos. 9. She seemed pleased at Jane's graciousness and complimentary sayings. 10. Surrounded by difficulties and uncertainty, he longed for Christine.

      Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using participle II in the function of an attribute (A), a predicative (B), an adverbial modifier (C).

      A. 1. Here is the letter… 2. Where is the article …? 3. Everyone approved of the report… 4. This is the house … 5. They reached the village…

      B. 1. "I felt utterly …" 2. He looked very … 3. He was angry because his plan was not… 4. Why should you look…?

      C. a) of time:

      1. He was always angry when … 2. The children won't stop quarrelling until… 3. He will go on reading the book until… 4. He was always polite when…;

      b) of cause:

      1. He took leave of them … 2… he couldn't say a word. 3… he opened his eyes wide. 4… she dropped her eyes;

      c) of condition:

      1. He will tell you everything if… 2. He will read late into night if … 3. He will speak for hours on end if…;

      d) of concession:

      1. Though … he tried to answer the question … 2. They went on running, though …;

      e) of comparison:

      1. He looked up as if … 2. He stood without moving as if… 3. He kept silent as if… 4. She stared at me as if…

      Exercise 3. Read and translate the following sentences. Analyze complex objects with participle II.

      1. Martha pulled herself free again, and said, "I don't want to have my hair cut." 2. I'll have your things brought up and unpacked at once. 3. She found herself so much disturbed by this visit that she could hardly find tongue to answer his questions. 4. He saw the question written in her wondering ashamed face. 5. And then I heard a box kicked across the floor, and the next moment Rob came into the bedroom. 6. Harold put his hand to her face and felt it flushed. 7. When Stella comes out I shall tell her I won't have my hair cut. 8. Never, never had I heard it sung so beautifully. 9. Almost the entire school saw the box delivered and all awaited the outcome with ill-repressed anticipation.

      Speech Exercises.

      Exercise 4. Make up sentences, using the expressions given below. Note the diversity of the functions of participle I in the sentence.

      A. 1. living on the floor above; running parallel to; standing in the shade, leading to; rolling down her cheeks, sitting quietly in the corner.

      2. a) while watching TV; while skating; having arrived; having ordered; glancing up at the clock; when talking about his books;

      b) having quarreled; wishing to get home in time; having nothing to do; realizing; working regularly;

      c) smiling and waving her hand; glancing at each other; peering through his spectacles; frowning at her; rising politely; leaping from the taxi;

      d) as if not seeing; as if trying; as if hiding; as if listening; as though admiring;

      e) though approving; though looking pale; though regretting; though embarrassed; though moving slowly.

      3. generally speaking; taking everything into consideration; putting it mildly, judging from experience; strictly speaking.

      B. 1. I him running; her saying; the clock ticking; the children laughing; somebody talking; you sitting; myself blushing.

      1) they… talking; he… walking, he… driving; they…exchanging glances; she … walking.

      2) the hour being early…; the clock striking eight…; it being a rainy day …; important point settled …; his eyes snapping at him …

      Exercise 5. Make up sentences using the expressions given below. Pay attention to the diversity of the functions of participle II in the sentence.

      1. a puzzled look; greeted by everyone; surrounded by his friends; written in block letters; received by yesterday's post.

      2. seemed surprised; looked bewildered; sounded annoyed; felt disappointed; looked relieved.

      3. a) each lost in her thoughts; startled and annoyed; carried away by his memories;

      b) when asked; until punished; when surrounded by difficulties; when embarrassed; when recorded;

      c) as if startled; as if annoyed; as if deeply impressed; as though finished.

      Exercise 6. Develop the following sentences into situations. Read the suggested sentences containing the participle. Then make up at least one sentence to specify, prove or refute the given one. Follow the models.

      Model: The boy ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. – The boy ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He was angry with his sister and did not want to play with her.

      1. She sat, leaning her head on her hands. 2. He smiled, noting the astonished expression on the faces of the others. 3. While working in the reading-room I take no notice of the time. 4. A puzzled look crossed his face. 5. Going home from school Mary ran ahead of her mother, swinging her bag and touching every lamp-post. 6. The girl sat over an algebra problem, sucking her pencil gloomily.

      Model: I heard the telephone ringing and went to answer the call. – I heard the telephone ringing and went to answer the call It happened to be a friend speaking. I heard her voice trembling and understood that something was wrong.

      1. They heard the door bell ringing. 2. She seemed slightly put out by my question, then she smiled. 3. I felt him looking at me now and then. 4. Mary thought she was grown up. Her chief theme at home was: "Mummy, when can I have my hair cut?" 5. She sat with her eyes fixed on the ground. 6. She could be heard chattering with her friend hour after hour.

      Model: She was walking slowly, a faint smile twitching the comers of her mouth. – She was walking slowly, a faint smile twitching the corners of her mouth. Evidently she was remembering something very pleasant.

      1. The child began to cry and sat dabbing blindly at the egg with her spoon, big tears rolling down her face on the plate. 2. She paused, her gaze questioning him. 3. The examination being close at hand, he began to worry. 4. His curiosity having got the better of fear, the child came up to the dog.

      Exercise 7. Think of the situations where you can use the sentences given below.

      1. He could feel his heart beating. 2. She came at last, hurrying across the road with her suitcase in hand. 3. He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away. 4. It set my heart leaping. 5. I heard him pacing up and down in his room long after the rest of the family had gone to bed. 6. At this instant my attention wandered to the four people sitting at the next table. 7. "Don't thank me," she said, folding her arms and frowning at him. 8.

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