English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 4. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых. Larisa Lubimova

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English Grammar with Kudjo. Part 4. Понятная и забавная грамматика для детей и взрослых - Larisa Lubimova

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to get the both friends up. The fear of being attacked by giant wild ***** made them far stronger and Kit was finally free and *****. He looked so ashamed of himself that the dogs didn’t ***** him. This adventure must have taught the kitten a *****, which he’ll remember for a long time.

      EXERCISE 8

      Find and correct 9 mistakes in the sentences:

      1 The dogs were so happy to find Kit that they can’t have forgotten about the danger.

      2 They were standing around the pit discussing where to go next when they heard spine chilling howls. Some wild animals must been approaching.

      3 The friends looked around trying to find a kind of shelter to hide but they can hardly see anything suitable.

      4 The sound of howling was getting louder and louder, which meant the monster must has been coming nearer and nearer.

      5 Suddenly the beast stopped howling but it can’t go away because the dogs could hear it snapping branches to crush everything crossing its path.

      6 Chilly suggested to trap the beast into the pit and the dogs rushed to cover it with big sticks for camouflage.

      7 The girls with the kitten hid behind a big spruce while Chilly kept to stand near the edge of the trap to provoke the animal to jump.

      8 Chilly must wish he hidden too but he had to be a tease to attract the monster.

      EXERCISE 9

      Choose the correct option:

      1 A huge lynx appeared out of the forest and stopped to smell the air suspiciously. It ***** the dogs.

      a must detect

      b can’t be detecting

      c must have detected

      2 When the lynx saw Chilly, it growled and moved slowly towards him. Chilly ***** scared stiff but didn’t run away.

      can’t have got

      b must have got

      c must get

      3 The lynx and Chilly ***** at the opposite edges of the trap for a long time but suddenly Kit jumped out from behind the spruce and hissed furiously.

      could have been standing

      b can’t have been standing

      c could stand

      4 It ***** the lynx jump forward and fall right into the trap.

      a must made

      b can’t have made

      c must have made

      5 When the lynx realised what had happened, it started dancing up and down with rage and fear. It ***** helpless and yelled.

      must be feeling

      b can’t have felt

      c must have felt

      6 The lynx yelled like a child and the dogs wished they ***** it.

      hadn’t trapped

      b wouldn’t trap

      c didn’t trap

      7 Who knows what ***** if they hadn’t done it.

      might happen

      b can have happened

      c might have happened

      8 The lynx suddenly fell silent and the dogs worried that it *****.

      can’t have died

      b might have died

      c may die

      EXERCISE 10

      Translate the story:

      Чилли осторожно подошел к самому краю и заглянул в яму. На дне лежала рысь, свернувшись клубочком. Даже сейчас она казалась огромной и пугающей. Должно быть, она устала метаться, лишилась последних сил и заснула. Чилли гавкнул, но рысь даже не пошевелилась. Собаки растерялись. Они не могли оставить живое существо, пусть даже и такое страшное, умирать в этой яме. Более того, если есть такая ловушка, значит, есть и те, кто охотится на огромных животных и значит, рано или поздно они явятся за своей добычей.

      Рысь немного пошевелилась и подняла голову. Она уже не казалась такой страшной. Большая, красивая кошка с печальными глазами. Она посмотрела вверх на собак и вдруг мяукнула, как обычная домашняя кошечка. Рысь попробовала встать, но не смогла. Возможно, она поранила лапу при падении или возможно, просто чувствовала себя совершенно обессиленной. Надо было торопиться и помочь ей выбраться наружу.

      (продолжение следует)

      Unit 5


      Adjectives are words that describe nouns and we use them before nouns, or following linking verbs such as appear, be, become, get, feel, look, seem:

      The huge lynx looked miserable.

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