Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок). Э. И. Муртазина

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок) - Э. И. Муртазина

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DHL is the company number one in ocean freight and .........9 logistics.

      7. The customized solutions of the company are express ..........10 shipping to supply chain management.

      8. The reason for the success of DHL is due to its very effective and efficient way of .............11 the process of .........12 management.

      9. Answer the questions:

      1. Who were the founders of DHL?

      2. What was the primary purpose of DHL?

      3. What industry did this company give birth to?

      4. How big was the expansion of DHL over the world?

      5. What company had the biggest quantity of shares in DHL?

      6. DHL logistics services and customized solutions are various, aren’t they? Name them.

      7. Why is DHL a vey successful logistics company?

      8. What are the steps of each DHL project?

      10. Translate the sentences using the text “History and Background of DHL”:

      1. DHL – международная компания, один из лидеров мирового рынка экспресс-доставки.

      2. DHL была основана 20 сентября 1969 году как курьерская служба для перевозки почты между Сан-Франциско и Гонолулу.

      3. Название компании образовано по первым буквам фамилий ее основателей.

      4. DHL предлагает широкий набор решений для покупателя.

      5. Эффективность процесса проектного управления является основой успеха DHL.

      6. Процесс управления проектами в компании DHL включает 6 шагов: 1) инициация; 2) проектирование; 3) планирование; 4) исполнение; 5) закрытие; 6) передача.

      7. К 1988 г. компания расширила сферу своей деятельности: она уже присутствовала в 170 странах.

      8. В 2002 г. главным держателем акций DHL была компания Deutsche Post World Net.

      9. Компания Deutsche Post World Net объединила все свои услуги по экспресс-доставке в единый бренд – DHL.

      11. Complete the sentences using prepositions in the box (See Language Notes):

      1. DHL’s whole business is dependent ......1 the vital point of timely delivery.

      2. DHL owns its success ......2 the efficiency .......3 which the operations are carried out.

      3. Not only the company but the sender and sometimes the receiver can track the goods ........4 their information center.

      4. DHL has developed a reputation ......5 consistently developing innovative solutions that streamline operations and improve control.

      5. DHL in-house teams have contributed ......6 the solutions design of some of the world's leading brands and enabled to win key contacts.

      6. DHL solutions design team offers a wide portfolio of expertise and services, .......7 logistics network strategy, transport design, warehouse design and simulation, through .....8 operational improvement and inventory analysis.

      7. DHL’s international supply chain management solutions are focused .....9 helping customers take increased control of international inbound supply chain to maximize the value of international and global sourcing.

      8. The management of logistics is concerned .......10 the movement and storage of materials and finished products.

      12. Retell the text “History and Background of DHL” according to the plan:

      A. History and background of DHL.

      B. Expansion of DHL to the continents.

      C. Major shareholders of DHL.

      D. Areas where DHL is the global market leader.

      E. World expansion of the largest express and logistics network.

      F. Basic steps in the project management of DHL.


      13. Make the dialogue: talk with a manager of “DHL” company about the services provided by the company:

      Useful language: Answering the phone

      Hello, Jonathan Young speaking.

      Good morning, DHL.

      I’d like to speak to…

      One moment, please.

      Could I have the sales department, please?

      My name’s Marta Blanco.

      Marta Blanco speaking......

      I’m calling about.........

      The reason I’m calling is....

      Could you name the main services you are offering?

      Could we meet on Monday at 10.30?

      How / What about April 10h?

      Is 11.15 convenient/OK?

      Formal style

      Dear Mr. Smith

      I would like to…

      I would be grateful if you could....

      I look forward to hearing....

      Could you give me some information about…?

      I would appreciate if you can share your thoughts of…

      UNIT 3


      1. Read the following international words. Define

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