Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок). Э. И. Муртазина

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок) - Э. И. Муртазина

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технологии инсорсинга в сфере логистических услуг: 1PL (логистика одной стороны) – когда все операции выполняет сам грузовладелец – свой транспортный парк и водительский персонал – автономная логистика. 2PL (логистика второй стороны) – когда фирма сама планирует и складирует, но не имеет транспортного парка.

      В период 1980 -1990 гг. появляется 3PL (или полный аутсорсинг) – логистика третьей стороны, при которой субподрядчики занимаются логистикой фирмы, фирма сама не занимается внешней логистикой.

      В период 1990-2000 гг. сформировался 4PL (четвертая сторона в логистике), – когда фирма пользуется услугами генератора логистики, т.е. системного логистического интегратора, предоставляющего услуги по проектированию, интегрированному планированию цепей поставок компании.

      Некоторые специалисты полагают, что в связи с развитием электронного бизнеса могут произойти изменения в логистике и возникнет следующий уровень логистических систем операторов – провайдеров – 5PL. Эти провайдеры – виртуальные интегрированные логистические операторы.

      11. Translate the sentences given below using the Unit Vocabulary:

      1. The use of the company’s inner resources is called “insourcing”.

      2. The rising costs of offshore production have driven corporations to “insourcing”.

      3. Adverse macroeconomic conditions accentuate the need for corporations to focus on cost containment in their supply chains.

      4. “By 2010, the need for greater supply chain flexibility will overtake product quality and customer service as the major driver for improving supply chain strategy.” (Global Supply Chain Trends Survey, 2008).

      5. “A lot of our supply chain design work was really developed in the 1980s and 1990s, when our capital spending was fairly high and oil was 10 bucks a barrel. I could say that the supply chain design is now upside down. The environment has changed.” (Keith Harrison, Procter & Gamble, Head of Global Supply Chain (Financial Times).

      12. Complete each dialogue with the correct form of “going to”, “will”, the present continuous and the present simple (See Language Notes):

      1. A: What are you planning to do now? B: We…sign the treaty with the contracting party.

      2. A: We need to wait for the truck to come. B: Oh, don’t worry. I ...... (do) billing and ordering.

      3. A: We’ve decided to add more services to our usual package. B: Really. What services … you (offer)?

      4. A: What about your plans of a new sub-contracting company? B: Well, we..... (outsource) some kinds of production and distribution next year.

      5. A: Have you made up your mind to use outside sources? B: Yes, the company ...... (outsource) transport and warehousing services.

      6. A: Are you ready for leaving? B: Yes, the plane… (depart) at 7 p.m.

      7. The following Monday the representatives of the logistics services integrator… (come) for the meeting.

      8. A: What are your nearest plans? B: We all… (develop) appropriate and sustainable pricing systems.

      13. Retell the text “Logistics Service Provider” according to the plan:

      A. The traditional Logistics Service Providers;

      B. The value-added Logistics Service Providers;

      C. «Third-Party Logistics» Providers; benefits of outsourcing;

      D. Challenges of 3 PL providers;

      E. Logistics services integrators or 4PL providers.


      14. Make the dialogue about logistics service providers:

      Useful language: Asking for clarification

      What exactly are you saying? What exactly do you mean? Are you saying we need to…? Sorry, I don’t follow you.

      Can you explain in more detail?

      What I mean is.........

      What I’m saying is.......

      No, I was thinking of......

      To be more specific...... To clarify the matter…

      They suggest.....The company proposes that.....

      UNIT 5


      1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding Russian words:

      code, component, control, credit, defect, document, focus, final, group, identical, industry, modification, product, segment, transportation.

      2. Complete the table using suitable forms:

      3. Translate English words and phrases in column A using Russian words and phrases from column B

      4. Observe the words and phrases related to “Value Added Services”:

      5. Translate the names of Value Added Services:

Value Added Services

      Concept whereby a service adds value to

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