Крушение «Италии»: История арктической экспедиции Умберто Нобиле. Марк Пайсинг

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Крушение «Италии»: История арктической экспедиции Умберто Нобиле - Марк Пайсинг

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      Interview with Professor Steinar Aas, June 26, 2018; Steinar Aas, "New Perspectives on the Italia Tragedy and Umberto Nobile," Polar Research 24, nos. 1–2 (2005): 5–15, 6, https://doi.org/10.3402/polar.v24i1.6249.


      Aas, 6.


      Dag Avango, "Svalbard Archaeology," Michigan Technological University, May 10, 2018, http://www.svalbardarchaeology.org/history.html.








      "The History of the Norwegian Polar Institute," last updated February 20, 2018, https://www.npolar.no/en/history/.


      Avango, "Svalbard Archaeology."


      "The History of the Norwegian Polar Institute."


      "'Swedish Activism' in WWI," Radio Sweden, August 6, 2014, https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=2054&artikel=5931605.


      "The History of the Norwegian Polar Institute."


      Frank Jacobs, "The Cold War That Wasn't: Norway Annexes Greenland," Big Think, March 4, 2016, https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/the-cold-war-that-wasnt-norway-annexes-greenland.


      Steinar Aas, "New Perspectives on the Italia Tragedy and Umberto Nobile," Polar Research 24, nos. 1–2 (2005): 5–15, 5, https://doi.org/10.3402/polar.v24i1.6249.


      McCorristine, Spectral Arctic, 2.


      McCorristine, 14.


      McCorristine, 26.


      McCorristine, 24.


      McCorristine, 181.


      McCorristine, 206.


      McCorristine, 176–179.


      Andrew C. Revkin, The North Pole Was Here: Puzzles and Perils at the Top of the World (Boston: Kingfisher, 2006), 27.


      Revkin, 29–30.


      Revkin, 30.


      Revkin, 27.


      Quoted in Constance Martin, "Arctic Profile Elisha Kent Kane (1820–1857)," Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary, AB, http://pubs.aina.ucalgary.ca/arctic/Arctic37–2–178.pdf.


      Martin, 178.


      David Chapin, "'Science Weeps, Humanity Weeps, the World Weeps': America Mourns Elisha Kent Kane," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 123, no. 4 (1999): 282, 278, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20093316.


      Revkin, North Pole Was Here, 35.


      Lyle Zapato, "Here's What They Expect to Find at the North Pole," ZPi, January 11, 2015, https://zapatopi.net/blog/?post=201501116510.the_reed_hollow_earth_exploring_club.


      Brisbane Telegraph, October 1909, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/177856617.


      Stanley A. Freed, "Fate of the Crocker Land Expedition," Natural History, June 2012. http://www.naturalhistorymag.com/features/092248/fate-of-the-crocker-land-expedition.


      Simon Worrall, "The Mysterious Discovery of a Continent That Wasn't There," National Geographic, December 18, 2016, https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/12/crocker-land-peary-arctic-continent/.








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