Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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rt with, let go, lay down, evacuate, drop, deliver up.

      Ant. Claim, cherish, defend, keep, hold, maintain, protect, adopt, uphold, advocate, vindicate, occupy, undertake, prosecute, pursue, follow, seek, guard, favor, retain, support, assert, haunt.


      Abandoned. Discarded, rejected and the p.p. of the syn. of “abandon”; depraved, corrupt, profligate, wicked, unprincipled, shameless, sinful, hardened, impenitent, lost, demoralized, vicious, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, obdurate, licentious, incorrigible, irreclaimable, bad.

      Ant. The p.p. of the ant. of “abandon”; visited, frequented, sociable; virtuous, good, deserving, worthy, commendable, excellent, laudable; reclaimable, penitent; conscientious, correct, upright, righteous, self-controlled, high-principled, steady.


      Abandonment. Desertion, renunciation, surrender, rejection, abandoning, relinquishment, dereliction; cession, resignation, abnegation, demission, abjuration, abdication, defection, abrogation.

      Ant. Solicitude, care, heed, watchfulness, vigilance; hospitality, entertainment, conviviality, welcome, reception; retention, completion, reclamation, support, help, correction, custody, tenacity.


      Abase. Degrade, reduce, lower, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, sink, humiliate, bring low, cast down, stoop, debase, depress, drop, take down, demean.

      Ant. Elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, dignify, uplift, aggrandize.


      Abasement. Degradation, humiliation, dishonor, degeneracy, shame, depression, reduction, lowering, fall, deterioration, debasement, degeneration, vitiation, perversion, depravation, abjection, disrepute, discredit, subserviency.

      Ant. Promotion, exaltation, honor, elevation, aggrandizement, dignity, repute, reputation, standing, supremacy.

      Abash. Bewilder, confound, disconcert, discompose, confuse, daunt, humble, dishearten, mortify, shame, humiliate, snub, discountenance.

      Ant. Embolden, cheer, encourage, animate, uphold, rally, countenance, inspirit, abet, incite, buoy.

      Abate. Lessen, lower, reduce, diminish, moderate, decrease, decline, ebb, mitigate, subside, suppress, terminate, remove; temper, assuage, alleviate, appease, pacify; remit, allow; relax, slacken; bate, deduct; soothe, soften, qualify, allay, mollify, compose, tranquilize, quiet, quell, calm, dull, blunt; batter down, beat down, demolish, raze.

      Ant. Increase, prolong, magnify, foment, enlarge, extend, aggravate, continue, develop, revive, raise, enhance, amplify.


      Abatement. Subsidence, decline, lowering, reduction, decrease; allowance, discount, rebate, depreciation, drawback; moderation, lessening, mitigation, assuagement, remission, sinking, settling, waning, fading, ebb, evanishment, declension, deduction, diminution.

      Ant. Increase, augmentation, enlargement, increment, accretion, development, growth, aggrandizement, dilation, accession.


      Abbreviate. Shorten, contract, curtail, reduce, abridge, condense, epitomize, compress.

      Ant. Lengthen, extend, elongate, dilate, expand, amplify, enlarge, produce, stretch, prolong, expatiate.


      Abbreviation. Abridgment, contraction, condensation, compend, abstract, epitome, reduction, summary, curtailment, compression.

      Ant. Expansion, amplification, expatiation, extension, production, enlargement, dilation.


      Abdicate. Resign, relinquish office (especially of the throne), surrender, abandon, vacate, forego, renounce, give up, cede.

      Ant. Retain, claim, occupy, maintain, usurp, seize, grasp.


      Abdomen. Belly, paunch, ventral region, visceral cavity.

      Abduct. Take away (surreptitiously or forcibly), kidnap, run away with, carry off, spirit away, drag away.

      Ant. Restore, reinstate, adduct.


      Abduction. Withdrawal, drawing away, abstraction, kidnapping, seizure, appropriation.

      Ant. Adduction, replacement, restitution, restoration, surrender, reinstatement.


      Aberrant. Wandering, rambling, divergent, deviating, devious, erratic; irregular, abnormal, unusual, exceptional.

      Ant. Regular, true, consistent, uniform, consecutive, normal, natural, continuous.


      Aberration. Wandering, divergence, irregularity, rambling, disconnectedness, hallucination, illusion, delusion, eccentricity, singularity, peculiarity.

      Ant. Uniformity, consecutiveness, regularity, progression, continuity, order, type, norm.


      Abet. Aid, assist, promote, support, sanction, uphold, countenance, encourage, advocate, incite, instigate, embolden, favor, foment, connive at, coöperate with.

      Ant. Hinder, impede, obstruct, frustrate, baffle, confound, counteract, deter, discourage, thwart, contradict, disconcert, disapprove, denounce, dissuade, expose.


      Abettor. Assistant, helper, aid, ally, coöperator, advocate, confederate, accomplice, accessory, adviser, promoter, instigator, associate, coadjutor.

      Ant. Opponent, foe, adversary, antagonist, rival, dissuader, detector, baffler, disconcerter.


      Abeyance. Suspense, suspension, expectancy, waiting, anticipation, dormancy, intermission, quiescence, suppression, expectation.

      Ant. Renewal, revival, resuscitation, action, operation, exercise, force, possession.


      Abhor. Hate, detest, loathe, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, abominate, despise, dislike, eschew, nauseate, revolt at.

      Ant. Crave, desire, enjoy, covet, esteem, like, love, relish, admire, approve, affect.


      Abhorrent. Odious, offensive, shocking, repugnant, loathsome, revolting, horrible, repellent, repulsive, nauseating.

      Ant. Admirable, enjoyable, lovely, estimable, desirable.


      Abide. Wait for, await, attend; endure, tolerate, bear, suffer; anticipate, watch for, expect; bide, continue, reside, dwell, sojourn, tarry, lodge, rest, stay, inhabit, remain.

      Ant. Abandon, shun; resist, reject, avoid; deport, migrate, move, journey, continue, proceed, progress.


      Abiding. Lasting, continuing, permanent, durable, constant, stable, immutable, changeless, unchanging.


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