Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Absurdity. Unreasonableness, irrationality, foolishness, folly, fatuity, idiocy, extravagance, drivel.
Ant. Reason, possibility; truism, axiom, maxim, adage.
Abundance. Profusion, wealth, affluence; flow, flood, overflow; copiousness, fertility, richness, largeness, store, plenty, exuberance, plenteousness.
Ant. Scarcity, deficiency, rarity, scantiness, dearth, failure, poverty.
Abundant. Abounding, flowing, plentiful, liberal, bountiful, sufficient, lavish, plenteous, much, copious, replete, full, teeming.
Ant. Rare, scarce, scant, deficient, insufficient, short, niggardly, sparing, impoverished, dry, drained.
Abuse, n. Misuse, dishonor, maltreatment, outrage, reviling, obloquy, defamation, insult, disparagement, reproach, ill usage.
Ant. Kindness, praise, deference, respect, honor, good treatment, good usage.
Abuse, v. Harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, wrong, maltreat, oppress, molest, malign, impose on, ruin, victimize, slander, violate, ravish, defile, disparage, damage, defame, misuse.
Ant. Cherish, protect, regard, shield, respect, care for, tend, benefit; laud, favor, applaud, extol, eulogize, praise; uphold, sustain, vindicate, conserve.
Abusive. Insulting, rude, denunciatory, reproachful, injurious, offensive, reviling, insolent, scurrilous, opprobrious.
Ant. Respectful, attentive, laudatory, kind, flattering, courteous, complimentary, obsequious.
Abut. Be adjacent, extend, impinge, project, approximate, be contiguous, adjoin; end, border.
Ant. Diverge, recede, return, retreat, recurve.
Abutment. Terminal support, buttress.
Abuttal. Adjacency, contiguity, nearness, juxtaposition; boundary, terminus, limit, termination.
Ant. Interval, separation, gap, chasm, interspace, fissure, breach.
Abyss. Gulf, gorge, deep, chasm, profound, abysm; the pit.
Ant. Surface, abutment, adhesion, contact, contiguity; heaven.
Academical. Scholastic, learned, literary, collegiate, classical.
Ant. Illiterate, ignorant, unschooled.
Academy. School, seminary, institute, college, gymnasium, high school; scientific body, association of artists.
Accede. Consent, assent, acquiesce, comply, agree, accept, concur, approve, coincide.
Ant. Decline, withdraw, refuse, demur, protest, dissent, reject.
Accelerate. Hasten, quicken, speed, precipitate, despatch, expedite, hurry, urge, push forward, press on; forward, advance, further.
Ant. Delay, impede, clog, hinder, retard, drag, obstruct.
Accent, n. Stress, beat, emphasis, rhythm, pulsation, intonation, cadence, tone, modulation, ictus.
Ant. Monotony, equableness, babble, flow, smoothness.
Accentuate, Accent, v. Lay stress upon, put the ictus on; emphasize, mark, make prominent.
Ant. Make light of, make insignificant, underestimate, ignore.
Accept. Take, receive; admit, agree to, approve, acknowledge, avow; estimate, regard, value, construe.
Ant. Refuse, decline, reject, ignore, disown, repudiate.
Acceptable. Welcome, pleasing, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, seasonable, desirable, expedient.
Ant. Unpleasant, disagreeable, annoying, grievous, ungrateful, unwelcome.
Acceptance. Reception, taking; acknowledgment, approbation, approval, satisfaction, gratification.
Ant. Rejection, refusal, repudiation, exclusion.
Acceptation. Meaning, significance, sense, import, interpretation, construction, understanding; approval, adoption, acceptance.
Access. Entrance, approach, passage, avenue, entry; admission, admittance, audience, interview; addition, increase, gain; accession; attack, onset, fit, paroxysm.
Ant. Exit, egress, departure; exclusion; repulse, recoil; retirement, retreat; quiescence, inertia, languor, torpor.
Accessary, see Accessory.
Accessible. Easy of access, approachable, affable, conversible.
Ant. Distant, cold, unapproachable, difficult.
Accession. Addition, increase, enlargement, extension, augmentation; arrival, influx; attainment (of power).
Ant. Abandonment, decrease, ebb, drain, subsidence, departure, resignation, diminution.
Accessory, n. Confederate, assistant, helper, associate, accomplice; detail, accompaniment, subordinate element; companion, partner.
Ant. Foe, rival, adversary, antagonist, opponent, enemy; principal, instigator.
Accessory, a. Assisting, aiding, abetting, helping, acceding, additional; supplemental, subservient, subsidiary, subordinate, conducive; accompanying, contributory, auxiliary.
Ant. Essential, inherent; superfluous, irrelevant.
Accident. Chance, disaster, happening, hazard, incident, misfortune, calamity, adventure, casualty, mishap, possibility.
Ant. Certainty, provision, plan, intention, appointment, calculation, law, necessity, purpose, preparation.