Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Ant. Cause, occasion, origin; axiom, postulate, premise, antecedence; insignificance, paltriness.
Consequential. Following, resulting, coherent, cogent, connected; pompous, self-conceited, arrogant, vainglorious.
Ant. Incoherent, illogical; affable, accessible, humble, considerate.
Conservation. Protection, perpetuation, preservation, maintenance.
Ant. Neglect, exposure, destruction, abolition.
Conservative. Stationary, traditional, opposed to change.
Ant. Radical, progressive, changeable, transitional, modifiable, innovating.
Consider. Think, ponder, meditate, reflect, investigate, weigh, deliberate, observe, attend, regard.
Ant. Guess, conjecture, ignore, chance, hazard.
Considerate. Kindly, thoughtful, reflective, careful, prudent, deliberate, serious, charitable, forbearing, cautious.
Ant. Rash, careless, imprudent, thoughtless, rude, selfish, overbearing, injudicious.
Consignment. Custody, commission, delegation; sending, shipping.
Ant. Miscommitment.
Consistency. Density, solidity, compactness, coherence; agreement, congruity, correspondence, uniformity, harmony, invariableness.
Ant. Tenuity, subtility, volatility; incoherence, incongruity, contrariety, contradiction.
Console. Comfort, condole with, sympathize, encourage, soothe, assuage, solace.
Ant. Distress, grieve, disturb, annoy, sadden, trouble, wound, hurt.
Consolidate. Solidify, harden, condense, compress, compact; thicken, strengthen, solder, cement, fuse; conjoin, combine.
Ant. Dissolve, melt, vaporize, weaken, dissipate, sublimate, pulverize; dissect, disjoin.
Conspicuous. Visible, apparent, discernible, plain, clear, perceptible, noticeable; eminent, distinguished, prominent, famous, noted, manifest.
Ant. Invisible, microscopic, hidden, imperceptible, unseen; ordinary, mediocre, commonplace.
Conspiracy. Intrigue, treason, cabal, plot, machination, combination; sedition.
Ant. Legislation, congress, parliament, synod.
Constant. Fixed, immutable, invariable, unchanging, permanent, perpetual; resolute, firm, steady; persevering, assiduous; incessant, unbroken, continuous; faithful, true, loyal, devoted.
Ant. Irregular, exceptional, casual, incidental, fickle, faithless, broken, treacherous, untrustworthy, false.
Consternation. Amazement, terror, alarm, dismay, panic, bewilderment.
Ant. Fearlessness, boldness, composure, presence of mind.
Constituent. Elector, patron, voter, supporter, sender; ingredient, component, element.
Ant. Representative, nominee; constitution, system, compound, whole.
Constitution. Organization, formation; quality, character, temperament, peculiarity, characteristic; charter, law.
Ant. Conspiracy, rebellion, tyranny, anarchy, despotism, destruction, disorganization; disposition, mood, frame of mind, temper.
Construct. Build, erect, invent, form, shape, combine.
Ant. Demolish, overthrow, destroy, derange.
Construction. Building, erection, composition, fabrication; structure, formation, form, figure; explanation, version, rendering, interpretation.
Ant. Dislocation, dismemberment, dissolution; misunderstanding, misconception.
Consult. Deliberate, take counsel, confer, advise with, canvass, question, consider, regard.
Ant. Dictate, counteract, contradict.
Consume. Eat up, devour; destroy, lavish, dissipate, waste, spend.
Ant. Discard, reject, throw aside; preserve, replenish, supply, provide.
Consummate, a. Perfect, excellent, supreme, finished, complete.
Ant. Common, faulty, defective, ordinary, mediocre.
Consummation. Achievement, attainment, completion, termination, accomplishment, fulfilment, realization, close, finish, finale.
Ant. Beginning, attempt, inception, initiation, source, origin.
Consumption. Expenditure, use, waste, extinction, destruction.
Ant. Development, increase, growth, enlargement, augmentation.
Contact. Touch, junction, contiguity, closeness, union.
Ant. Adjacence, proximity; separation, distance, isolation.
Contagion. Infection; contamination, taint, pestilence, corruption.
Ant. Prevention; antisepsis, disinfection.
Contain. Include, embody, comprehend, comprise, embrace; restrain, hold.
Ant. Omit, exclude, drop, discharge; yield, give way.
Contaminate. Taint, defile, corrupt, sully.
Ant. Cleanse, purify.
Contemn. Despise, scorn, disdain, slight.
Ant. Venerate, respect.