Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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KEY: Nature.
SYN: Essence, creation, constitution, structure, disposition, truth, regularity, kind, sort, character, species, affection, naturalness.
ANT: Thing, object, subject, man, being, creature, monstrosity, unnaturalness, art, fiction, romance, invention.
KEY: Naught.
SYN: Nothing.
ANT: Aught, anything, everything.
KEY: Naughty.
SYN: Worthless, vile, corrupt, bad, froward, refractory, wicked, perverse.
ANT: Worthy, good, precious, pure, docile, tractable, well-behaved.
KEY: Nausea.
SYN: Loathing, disgust, abomination, qualm, sea-sickness.
ANT: Taste, relish, enjoyment.
KEY: Nauseous.
SYN: Loathsome, sickening, disgusting, [See ABOMINABLE].
KEY: Nautical, [See MARINE].
KEY: Near.
SYN: Nigh, close, adjacent, neighboring, (Sometimes used in the sense of parsimonious).
ANT: Far, distant, remote.
KEY: Nearly.
SYN: Almost, closely, approximately.
ANT: Quite, entirely, distantly, remotely.
KEY: Neat, [See TIDY].
KEY: Necessary.
SYN: Certain, inevitable, indispensable, requisite, essential, compulsory, needful, expedient.
ANT: Contingent, casual, optional, discretional, unnecessary, unessential, free.
KEY: Necessitate, [See COMPEL].
KEY: Necessity.
SYN: Indispensableness, inevitableness, need, indigence, requirement, want, fate, destiny.
ANT: dispensableness, uncertainty, superfluity, uselessness, competence, affluence, casualty, contingency, freedom, choice.
KEY: Needful, [See AMBIGUOUS].
KEY: Needless.
SYN: Unnecessary, useless, superfluous, gratuitous.
ANT: Needful, useful, helpful, obligatory.
KEY: Nefarious, [See ATROCIOUS].
KEY: Negation, [See ASSERT].
KEY: Negative.
SYN: Denying, privative, disclaiming, indirect.
ANT: Assertive, attributive, positive, direct.
KEY: Neglect \v.\
SYN: Slight, overlook, omit, disregard, disesteem, despite, contemn.
ANT: Consider, respect, notice, observe, regard, esteem, tend, attend, foster, study.
KEY: Neglect \n.\
SYN: Negligence, disregard, omission, failure, default, slight, carelessness, remissness.
ANT: Attention, consideration, respect, notice, regard, esteem.
KEY: Negotiate.
SYN: Transact, effect, pass, perform.
ANT: Mismanage, misconduct, quash, stop.
KEY: Neighborly, [See SOCIABLE].
KEY: Nerve.
SYN: Strength, firmness, resolution.
ANT: Nerveless, forceless, feeble, weak, enfeebled, impotent, palsied, [See COURAGE].
KEY: Nervous, [See VIGOROUS and TIMID].
KEY: Nettle.
SYN: Sting, fret, provoke, [See INCENSE].
KEY: Neutral.
SYN: Uninterfering, impartial, indifferent, negative, unavowed.
ANT: Partial, interested, interfering, active, positive, declared, avowed.
KEY: Neutrality.
SYN: Non-interference, indifference.
ANT: Interference, activity.
KEY: Neutralize.
SYN: Counteract, compensate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail.
ANT: Aggravate, enhance, Intensify.
KEY: New.
SYN: Novel, recent, fresh, modern.
ANT: Old, ancient, antique, antiquated, obsolete.
KEY: News.
SYN: Intelligence, Information, tidings, [See INTELLIGENCE].
KEY: New-fangled.
SYN: Upstart, newlight,