Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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SYN: Uniform, unvaried, dull, humdrum, undiversified, tedious.
ANT: Varying, changing.
KEY: Monotony.
SYN: Sameness, unvaryingness, tedium.
ANT: Variation, relief, diversion.
KEY: Monster.
SYN: Prodigy, portent, marvel, deformity, abnormity, fright, colossus, monstrosity, leviathan, fiend, brute.
ANT: Beauty, Venus, Adonis, Narcissus, gem, pet, jewel, angel, augury, harbinger.
KEY: Monstrous.
SYN: Prodigious, portentous, marvellous, deformed, abnormal, hideous, preposterous, intolerable.
ANT: Ordinary, familiar, unnoticeable, fair, comely, shapely, regular, natural, reasonable, just.
KEY: Monument, [See MEMORIAL].
KEY: Mood.
SYN: State, temper, humor, feeling, vein, disposition.
ANT: Mind, character, disposition, nature.
KEY: Moody.
SYN: Sullen, humorsome, gloomy, morose.
ANT: Blithe, genial, sociable, merry.
KEY: Moot.
SYN: Agitate, discuss, ventilate, argue.
ANT: Suppress, stifle, burke, hush, shelve.
KEY: Moral.
SYN: Mental, ideal, intellectual, spiritual, ethical, probable, inferential, presumptive, analogous, virtuous, well-conducted.
ANT: Physical, material, practical, demonstrative, mathematical, immoral, vicious.
KEY: Morals.
SYN: Manners, conduct, behavior, morality, habits, [See {[MASNEKS]?}].
KEY: Morass, [See MARSH].
KEY: Morbid.
SYN: Diseased, unsound, unhealthy, sickly.
ANT: Wholesome, healthy, sound.
KEY: Mordent.
SYN: Biting, keen, pun, gent.
ANT: Mellow, mild, soothing.
KEY: Moreover.
SYN: Besides, also, likewise, furthermore, [See LIKEWISE].
KEY: Morose.
SYN: Sullen, austere, moody, crabbed, surly, crusty.
ANT: Genial, indulgent, kindly.
KEY: Morsel, [See BIT].
KEY: Mortal.
SYN: Human, ephemeral, sublunary, short-lived, deadly, fatal, perishable, destructive.
ANT: Divine, Immortal, celestial, life-giving, venial, salutiferous, superficial, Mortality, [See DEATH].
KEY: Mortify.
SYN: Deaden, subdue, master, vex, disappoint, annoy, rot, fester, humble, abash, chagrin, displace, putrefy.
ANT: Feed, pamper, indulge, plea?e, gratify, delight, satisfy, heal, recover.
KEY: Mostly.
SYN: Mainly, chiefly, in great measure, for the most part, for the greatest part, [See MAINLY].
KEY: Motherly.
SYN: Maternal, affectionate, tender, kind, [See KIND].
KEY: Motion, [See MOVEMENT].
KEY: Motionless, [See STILL].
KEY: Motive.
SYN: Inducement, purpose, design, prompting, stimulus, reason, impulse, incitement.
ANT: Execution, action, effort, deed, attempt, project, preventive, deterrent, dissuasive.
KEY: Motley.
SYN: Parti-colored, variegated, mixed, medley, heterogeneous, diversified.
ANT: Uniform, homogeneous, alike, monochromatic, mottled, [See MOTLEY and MACULATED].
KEY: Mold.
SYN: Fashion, shape, manipulate, for, {[n]?}, cast, configure.
ANT: Distort, strain, pervert, mis shape.
KEY: Moldy.
SYN: Green, rusty, fusty, musty, over-ripe.
ANT: Fresh, wholesome, pure, sweet, receipt.
KEY: Mount, [See ASCEND].
KEY: Mourn, [See GRIEVE and BEWAIL].
KEY: Mournful.
SYN: Sad, melancholy, tearful, doleful, depressing, wailing, lugubrious.
ANT: Joyous, mirthful, exhilarating.
KEY: Movable, [See STATIONARY].
KEY: Move.