Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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younger, unimportant.

      ANT: Major, greater, superior, elder, senior, main, important.


      KEY: Minstrel.

      SYN: Singer, musician, bard.


      KEY: Minute.

      SYN: Diminutive, microscopic, tiny, exact, searching, specific, detailed.

      ANT: Monstrous, enormous, huge, inexact, superficial, general, broad, comprehensive.


      KEY: Miraculous.

      SYN: Supernatural, hyperphysical.

      ANT: Ordinary, natural.


      KEY: Misacceptation.

      SYN: Misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misuse.

      ANT: Acceptation, meaning.


      KEY: Misadventure.

      SYN: Failure, mishap, misfortune.

      ANT: Success, achievement.


      KEY: Misanthropy.

      SYN: Egotism, incivism, man-hating, cynicism, woman-hating.

      ANT: Philanthropy, humanity, humanitarianism, universal benevolence.


      KEY: Misapply, [See APPLY].


      KEY: Misapprehend, [See APPREHEND].


      KEY: Misappropriate.

      SYN: Misassign, purloin, misdistribute, abuse, misuse.

      ANT: Assign, distribute, employ, use.


      KEY: Misarrange, [See ABRIDGMENT].


      KEY: Misbecome, [See BECOME].


      KEY: Misbehaviour, [See BEHAVIOR].


      KEY: Misbelief, [See BELIEF].


      KEY: Miscalculate, [See CALCULATE].


      KEY: Miscall.

      SYN: Misname, misindicate.

      ANT: Name, call, indicate, denote, specify, denominate.


      KEY: Miscellany.

      SYN: Mixture, Intermixture, jumble, medley, variety, diversity.

      ANT: System, collection, classification, assortment, group, selection.


      KEY: Mischance.

      SYN: Misfortune, misadventure, mishap, [See CHANCE and MISADVENTURE].


      KEY: Mischief.

      SYN: Damage, hurt, detriment, disservice, annoyance, injury, ill-turn, damage, barm.

      ANT: Compensation, good-turn, benefit, favor, gratification.


      KEY: Mischievous.

      SYN: Detrimental, injurious, spiteful, wanton.

      ANT: Beneficial, advantageous, reparatory, conservative, careful, protective.


      KEY: Miscible.

      SYN: Compoundable, amalgamate.

      ANT: Uncompoundable, immiscible.


      KEY: Miscompute, [See COMPUTE].


      KEY: Misconceive, [See CONCEIVE].


      KEY: Misconduct, [See CONDUCT].


      KEY: Misconjecture.

      SYN: Miscalculation, missupposition.

      ANT: Hit, discovery, ascertain.


      KEY: Misconstrue, [See CONSTRUE].


      KEY: Miscount, [See COUNT].


      KEY: Miscreant.

      SYN: [See ROGUE].


      KEY: Misdeed, [See DEED and CRIME].


      KEY: Misdemeanor.

      SYN: Transgression, trespass, fault, misdeed, [See CRIME and FAULT].


      KEY: Misdirect, [See STRAIGHT].


      KEY: Misdoing, [See MISDEED].


      KEY: Misemploy, [See EMPLOY].


      KEY: Miser.

      SYN: Niggard, churl, skinflint, curmudgeon, screw, scrimp, hunks.

      ANT: Prodigal, spendthrift, rake.


      KEY: Miserable.

      SYN: Abject, forlorn, pitiable, wretched, worthless, despicable, disconsolate.

      ANT: Respectable, worthy, happy, contented, comfortable.


      KEY: Miserly, [See LIBERAL].


      KEY: Misery.

      SYN: Wretchedness, heartache, woe, broken heart, bleeding heart, great unhappiness, [See CALAMITY and MISFORTUNE].



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