Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Shape, arrange, order, marshal, enucleate, eliminate, organize.

      ANT: Confuse, jumble, disorder, disorganize.


      KEY: Mettle.

      SYN: Ardor, spirit, life, fire, animation.

      ANT: Hebetude, insensibility, callousness, placidity, stoicism, cowardice, submissiveness, slavishness.


      KEY: mettlesome.

      SYN: Spirited, fiery, ardent, lively, gay, brisk, [See ARDENT and GALLANT].


      KEY: Mew.

      SYN: Imprison, shut up, coop, incase, [See CONFINE].


      KEY: Miasmatic.

      SYN: Effluvious, malarious, foetid, polluted, noxious, mephitic.

      ANT: Balmy, pure, untainted, salubrious.


      KEY: Middle, [See MEAN].


      KEY: Middling.

      SYN: Ordinary, average, pretty well, not bad, well enough, [See TOLERABLE].


      KEY: Midst.

      SYN: Middle, centre, thick, throng, heart.

      ANT: Outskirt, confine, edge, limit, extreme, purlieu, margin.


      KEY: Mien.

      SYN: Look, aspect, air, manner, appearance, carriage, bearing, deportment.

      ANT: Character, disposition, temperament, {[i]?}, constitution, nature, being, personality.


      KEY: Might.

      SYN: Strength, force, power, ability.

      ANT: Weakness, infirmity, feebleness.


      KEY: Mighty, [See MIGHT].


      KEY: Migratory.

      SYN: Nomadic, wandering, roving, vagrant.

      ANT: Settled, fixed, permanent.


      KEY: Mild.

      SYN: Moderate, lenient, calm, gentle, genial, tempered, soft, meek, tender, placid.

      ANT: Violent, wild, fierce, savage, strong, severe, merciless, harsh, bitter.


      KEY: Military.

      SYN: Soldierly, soldierlike, [See MARTIAL].


      KEY: Militate \v.\ int, [See MILITARY].

      SYN: Contend, conflict, jar, clash, disagree.

      ANT: Harmonize, agree, suit, coincide.


      KEY: Milky.

      SYN: White, {[emulcont]?}, chalky.

      ANT: Inky, irritant, luteous.


      KEY: Mimic.

      SYN: Copy, ape, imitate, ridicule, mock, follow.

      ANT: Praise, lead, [See IMITATE].


      KEY: Minatory.

      SYN: Menacing, threatening.

      ANT: Warning.


      KEY: Mince.

      SYN: Attenuate, comminute, palliate, extenuate.

      ANT: Exaggerate, amplify, magnify.


      KEY: Mincing.

      SYN: Slow, affected, pedantic, syllabical, euphuistic.

      ANT: Rapid, voluble, unaffected, natural, bluff.


      KEY: Mind.

      SYN: Soul, spirit, intellect, understanding, opinion, sentiment, judgment, belief, choice, inclination, desire, will, liking, purpose, spirit, impetus, memory, remembrance, recollection.

      ANT: Body, limbs, organization, action, proceeding, conduct, object, indifference, coolness, aversion, forgetfulness, obviousness.


      KEY: Mindful.

      SYN: Regardful, attentive, thoughtful, careful, recollective.

      ANT: Regardless, inattentive, mindless, oblivious.


      KEY: Mingle.

      SYN: Mix, compound, blend, confound, confuse, intermingle, associate, amalgamate.

      ANT: Separate, segregate, sift, sort, analyze, discompound, eliminate, classify, unravel, avoid, Minimum, [See MAXIMUM].


      KEY: Million.

      SYN: Favorite, darling, pet.

      ANT: Antipathy, horror, aversion, bugbear.


      KEY: Minister \n.\

      SYN: Servant, officer, delegate, official, ambassador, subordinate, ecclesiastic, clergyman, priest, parson, divine, preacher, pastor, shepherd, reverend, curate, vicar.

      ANT: Monarch, government, master, superior, principal, head, layman, told, flock, congregation.


      KEY: Minister \v.\

      SYN: Attend, subserve, wait, supply.

      ANT: Lead, rule, command, exact.


      KEY: Ministry.

      SYN: Cabinet, council, administration, office of a minister or clergyman, ecclesiastical function, [See MINISTER].


      KEY: Minor.

      SYN: Less, inferior, junior,

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